Tim A. Cummins @ 6:11 pm
Worked on my editing project for the DVDs of the teams here from last week. Always takes time.
I have to “shot sheet” the video–that means I locate the exact number of the scene that shows that particular team.

Then I have to add it to the time line of the video editing program.

Final touches include adding the title pages and the background music.
I also called the locations for the teams coming next week.

Went to lunch with Ian North and Jess in Chamblee today! Always fun. Ruthie joined us for yogurt later. Can’t believe I didn’t get a picture!
Here’s what I thought Ian and J reminded me of!

We saw this Ferrari outside the yogurt shop. Groovy!

Giddy up!
Also went by Azalea to check on my team and to give them the DVD of the video that I shot along with the Pastor’s planner book which he had left at the church. Sad to see them go!
J and I hung out at the bookstore for a bit before coming back home.

I liked this cover on one of the books on mental puzzles.

We also went by the Apple store to take a look at the new Macbook Air. Here’s me on Facetime on the computer.

I saw this lady at Apple. I think she’s anorexic.

Had to pick up my car when we got back to Stone Mountain. The switch had gone bad on the brake light. The lights came on even when the car was parked! Also needed an oil change. Another $173.00 : ( That’s over $1,100 in two days!
Then Ashley called me and told me there was some issue with her scholarship. She feels confident that we’ll get reimbursed by the State, but added another $1,400 on the credit card. That’s $2,500 (if you’re keeping track!) I keep telling myself, “It always works out.” And it does!
Went to Kroger to pick up some groceries.
Back at my office to continue to burn DVDs and finish up this week’s projects for the teams.
Amazing to me that next week is the last of the summer! It has just blown by! I reckon that’s because I was SO busy. Really looking forward to getting back to my normal schedule of working with the kids every day rather than in an admin/support role.
Hoping to go see Cowboys and Aliens tonight, although the reviews haven’t been very good.
Saw these bikers racing around Stone Mountain yesterday!

Cute skull.