Tim A. Cummins @ 10:33 pm
Ashley started school this morning! I’ll miss her riding along with me all day! Isn’t she gorgeous?!

Had a fun day with some of my favorite partners!
Met up for lunch with Rob Martin from Mobilizing Students and Ian and Ruthie from Huntington Creek. Had my son too! Can’t beat that!

We went to Penang to eat then over to Plaza Fiesta to explore Mexi-Mall!

Dropped Rob back off at his car and visited some more with the Norths. I liked Ruthie’s garden.

Then over to the book store for a while. Always one of my favorite places!
Maybe I need this book?

I loved this lightning bolt picture. The super charged the plexiglass to get this effect.

I was pretty sure about this all along.

Had a BUNCH of kids at the mission today. Sure was glad to have my family to help!

Easy homework? (6th grade)

Jesse caught this gecko while we were there.

Went to Publix on the way home to pick up more meds for my trip to India. This sign was outside their front door! Does it make any sense to you?

Make any sense for a store to say “no trespassing?”
Spent a few minutes at Goodwill looking at more t-shirts! Got some cool with with Hebrew writing on them. Groovy.
Not sure this software will sell anytime soon!

Back at home working on admin duties.
Another hot one today.

Sure was nice to have some cooler weather last week.
Odd things I saw today.

As opposed to False World?
This was from the bus going to Mexico that stops at Plaza Fiesta.

I liked this saddle horn.

Spirit of Death on a black horse. Yow!

I always like the baby Jesus models.

Elaborate Jesus.