Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm
Today was a catch up day for me!
Finished a video project I was working on. Got the set of DVDs in the mail to my buddies in England.

Like cleaning the fish tanks. Quite a task!

Scrubbing tubs!

Picking up supplies at Lowes.

Pretty scary display!


LOVE the flowers!

Enjoyed a visit to the book store. I liked this picture of a brain.

Repairs to the railings. Stupid bees!

Grocery shopping.

And picked up meds.

I liked this big ol’ Cadillac grill I saw in the parking lot!

I liked this fancy headlight.

Enjoyed watching the Mentalist with Kathy tonight.
Worked on the Financial Report.
Admin duties. Good ol’ email!
This is one of my pet peeves. Is it really THAT much hassle to push the carts another ten feet?

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm
Had a really early morning today. Still DARK! Ouch!

Beautiful sunrise!

Had the pleasure of speaking to a couple of classes at Providence Christian Academy.

Dr. Carl Barrington, who is the President of the Board at Whirlwind Missions, also teaches at Providence.

It was fun to talk missions to a motivated class of students.
Came home to rest.
Then back to the mission with Ashley and Kathy.

Typical slammed with kids needing help!
Home now to work on admin duties. What a day!
Wonder if Dad bought this?

I liked this map of Israel.

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm
I met up with my friend Mark Burchek from Briarcliff Baptist Church for lunch today!

We had a fun time talking about missions and eating Ethiopian food.

I didn’t order Foul.

Had coffee afterwards. Beauty!

Checking out cameras. Mine is being repaired, or replaced. This is what my model has been replaced with.

Also bought some DVDs to burn.

Then to the mission to work with the kids.

Always fun!
Admin duties at home now.
I’m speaking at Providence Christian Academy in the morning. It’ll be an early one for me since I have to be there at 8am. Looking forward to it!
Are you smarter than a 6th grader?

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm
Worked on a new podcast today!

This is a fascinating subject to me: The Placebo Effect. Take a listen to “I Please”
Went to the Post Office to pick up stamps.

Saw my friend Judy Davis when I was there.

Then over to Staples to make copies of our newsletters.
Picked up the girls then went over to the mission at Azalea.
The kids are always so helpful with the labels!

Some of the kids are more accurate with the labels than others.

Now the envelopes are ready for the letters.

LOT of homework today. It’s a weigh of life, baby. Not exactly sure what this means.

I made the kids some origami.

Admin duties now, plus writing notes on our newsletters.
Early morning tomorrow. I’ll be going to a Youth Director seminar at FBC Jonesboro.
I love begonias!

I like the way the prism refracts light in our kitchen.

Tell me how you really feel.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:20 pm
Kathy and I had a fun morning today at Clarkston International Bible Church!

It was Pastor Phil’s 60th birthday! Older I get, the younger that sounds! He did a great job preaching from Hebrews 11 on Faith.

We at lunch at Madina. Man, I had some HOT tibis beef today. They must have cut up a whole raw jalapeno in it. YOW!

Came home to rest.
Then worked on finishing producing my newsletter.

And printing out labels.

Ready to print at Staples tomorrow and then have the kids help me with labels.
Admin duties then time with K! It’s all good!
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm
This morning I worked on my newsletter. I wrote it about one of my favorite little boys, Diego!
Went to Walmart to pick up some supplies.
Saw this game there. Only in America!

Kathy needed some vitamins. I reckon she’ll like these.

For some inexplicable reason, I couldn’t find my vitamin box this morning. Weird. I bought another one.

Still not feeling 100%. Went out to Stone Mountain for a little while to soak up some sun. Feel better now.

Largest single rock on the planet!
Took K out for Chinese food. She’s not feeling well at all. She thought that some sizzling rice soup might help. By George, I think it did!
I liked this old car outside the restaurant. Groovy, baby!

Don’t make ’em like that any more!
Enjoyed a good talk with Jesse. He’s on Portland right now. He liked going to the zoo. Sure do miss him!
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:47 pm
Had a nice rest day today.

Feeling a bit less than my regular Tiger Tank self. Having trouble falling asleep. I reckon it’s West Coast to East Coast jetlag.
Rained over an inch last night.

Went to the movies today with Kathy. Watched Killer Elite. I liked it. Not exactly a chick flick, however.
Back home working on admin duties.
We’re supposed to babysit tonight. Hopefully, Kylie won’t be as sad as she was last time. She cried for at least two hours straight!
Sounds like something I’d say!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm
This morning I worked on a new podcast! I really enjoyed making this one!
“Wonder Full!” Click on the title and ENJOY!
Ashley and I worked at the mission at Azalea today. K’s not feeling very well.
The kids had a lot of homework. Always keeps us busy! They were sure glad to see me back!

I liked Rashawn’s project on Texas!

On the way home we stopped at Best Buy. My camera, which I dearly love (Canon SD 1400) started really overexposing any picture where I zoomed in.

Heartbreak city.
Fortunately, I always get a warranty on cameras and camcorders. I filled out all the paperwork to get the camera sent back to the repair facility. Depending on the problem, I’ll either get mine back fixed, or they’ll upgrade me to the newest model. It shoots 1080p HD Video which is sweet, but I don’t think it looks as cool as my model.
Admin work now.
Feeling a bit weak. Worn out I reckon. My throat is a bit scratchy. Thanks for praying for me!
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:21 pm
GREAT to be back in the ATL!
Had a safe trip to San Diego. Got to see my good friends from England and met a lot of new ones too!
I have many gigabytes of pictures! Sadly, my last day there my camera started acting weird. Even though I’m super careful, I just flat wear them out!
Kathy picked me up from the airport. I like to drive through the center of town at night. What beauty!
Can’t wait to see the kids at the mission tomorrow!
The good news is that thanks to my iPhone I really stay pretty much caught up with work. And Ashley has done a great job helping with the financials. I have an AWESOME team, baby!