Tim A. Cummins @ 2:17 am
Arrived into Atlanta about three hours ago! A warm homecoming from my sweet family!
Waded through over 600 emails.
I’m uploading my pictures now. I took over 2,500 pictures and videos. I shot about 20 Gb. I’ll be posting my favorites soon.
Steve Jobs is a hero of mine. I just read his sister’s eulogy for her brother. You should tool
Thanks for your prayers! We had over 700 conversions of Hindus and Muslims. Absolutely amazing!
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:18 pm
This morning I did one of my favorite things: recorded podcasts!

I released this one today: “Men and Women.” Want to get along better with your significant other? Listen!
I recorded a second episode today called “Invite Love.” It releases on 10/24, Jesse’s birthday! If all goes well, I’ll record two more this evening. My goal is two a week. I want to keep them coming even when I’m not there!
I had a great response to my You’re Awesome, baby! video. My buddies said I should do a longer version. So I did! I think you’ll like it!
The kids at Azalea said they really liked it too. I thought that was funny.

Abraham, one of my kids, said, “I watched 2 hours of Story Tim today!” I got a hoot out of that!
I went to Sunrise Baptist Church this afternoon to pick up the list of the people that had donated to my trip to India!

People are SO kind to me.

Bought a portable speaker to take with me on my trip.

Then went to my doctor’s office to get my third Hepatitis B shot. Kind of hurt.

I reckon because my arm was still sore from the flu shot.
Signed the new contract for our apartment at Huntington Terraces.

Great to see Bayo and the children at the mission.

Then to Azalea to see MY kids and work with MY family.

Never too much of that.

Came home to do my final packing for my trip to India: TOMORROW!
K and I watched a really good movie tonight called “I am David.” It’s about a little boy who escapes a prison camp. Amazing show.
I liked this phone card.

It was right outside the mission.
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:00 am
Had a great time at Sunrise Baptist Church this morning!

Kathy, Ashley and I went to Lawrenceville to worship with this great congregation.

The church prayed for our team of six people going to India on Tuesday. We’ll leave around 2pm from the church to go to the airport.

We’ll be gone for nearly two weeks returning on the 30th.
We enjoyed hearing Dr. Carl Barrington teach his Sunday School class! REALLY interesting!

This evening we got together to split up the medicine that we’ll be taking to India.

We had to weigh each bag carefully.

These bags are ready to go on the plane!

We also went through our duties. I’m part of the triage team. I help determine what’s wrong with the ill person so that the doctor will know what to do.
I’ll also be telling them about Jesus and praying for them. Sounds like a plan!
Enjoyed watching the movie “Opa!” with Kathy this evening. It’s about an archeologist trying to find the cup of St. John on Patmos Island. I loved seeing the country and hearing Greek!
This sticker might work in Greece!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm
While I was in San Diego, my friends insisted that I come up with a Tim APP! Their idea was that I give some of my “Timisms” to the camera so they could put them on their iPhones and play them whenever they got depressed. Why? Because you’re AWESOME, baby!

Here’s the raw video that they’ll use.
Since I’ll be out of town for nearly two weeks while in India, I decided it’d be a good idea to get everything ready for the newsletters early this month.
Got all the labels printed and took them over to the mission so the kids could help me.
Also went to the Post Office for stamps. And to Staples for envelopes.

Got a flu shot this afternoon. Dr. Barrington thought it’d be a good idea. Jesse went with me for moral support!

The kids are always great about helping me with the labels!

Angel gets carried away with the labeling.

Ready for writing!

Then we worked on the homework. Great to have my whole family there helping me!

Jesse also helped get the N64 controllers untangled. What a job!

Came on home to work on admin duties and enjoy some time with Kathy.
I’ll work on my article tomorrow and make sure it’s printed up before I leave.
I picked up my car from the mechanic’s today. They never could find anything wrong with it. Bizarre. Pray that it doesn’t suddenly cut out on me while I’m driving in bad Atlanta traffic! Worked perfectly today! Amen!
I think these clouds look like frosting.

Love the beautiful trees!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm
Had fun working on a new podcast today! I think they’re some of my best work!

Ever wonder why things set you off? This pocast “Push your own buttons!” talks about how you can deal with those situations better.
J and I enjoyed Mexican food with Kathy for lunch.

Jesse and I also went to Walmart to do the family shopping and get supplies for the mission. I thought these flowers were beautiful!

I was amazed at the amount of different treats for cats!

And dog diapers.

Hadn’t seen this car sign before.

We enjoyed working with the kids today at the mission!

Amy and Rosibell had a good time.

Always fun!

I liked Johan’s sideburns.

It was great to have Christin to help us. She’s a wonderful art teacher!

They enjoyed using Christin’s computer.

I liked Johan’s bull for his brochure.

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Love my Ashley!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm
I enjoyed having my family with me to go to Global Mall today! We always enjoy Indian culture.

I leave for India this time next week!
I found this business card on the ground. I thought it was kind of weird.

Kind of like covering all the bases.
What’s wrong with this picture?

No alarm!
I thought this leaf was beautiful. I love the changing of the colors.

We went to Azalea this afternoon to help the kids with their homework. Plenty to do even though the rainy weather usually keeps some of them from the mission. Didn’t seem to affect them today!

Angel was giving me attitude. At the same time he was calling me “Mi amor,” which means “My loved one.”
Had a good talk with one of my partners from Peachtree Corners Baptist Church this evening. Always important to keep our supporters in the loop as to why they should keep on supporting our ministry!
Back home for admin duties. My car is still in the shop. It suddenly lost all power steering and power brakes while Ashley was using it earlier this week. You do NOT want to have that happen in Atlanta. Pray that they will figure out what the problem is or if it was just a random thing.

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:13 pm
This morning Jesse and I went to the Park Avenue Baptist Church near the zoo in Atlanta!

We enjoyed working with a group trying to get some Baptist churches to get together for outreach. I’m all for that!

We went for fellowship afterwards at the Dakota Blue.

I thought it was pretty cool.

J and I then went to the Apple store to check on the new iPhone 4S. We always look forward to the upgrades.

This one promises to be TWICE as fast and be able to shoot even better pictures.
I don’t have any adminstration help, so my phone is critical to keep me on track!
I decided to get an upgrade on my camera today in anticipation of my trip to India in a week. I shot over 30,000 pictures with my last Canon. I literally wear them out.

This one will shoot HD1020p video! I had real reservations about me taking my Sony HD Camcorder to India. I hate constantly being worried about it getting stolen or messed up. My new Canon will do about as good a job and I can carry it around me constantly!

Good times!