Tim A. Cummins @ 6:48 pm
I had a fun day with Jesse today!

I went to my office at FBC Doraville to pick up some of the supplies we need for our presentation tomorrow at Sunrise Baptist Church.
Then over to Azalea to pick up Jesse.
My friends at the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church came to the mission today! Always great to see them.

Ate lunch at Pig n Chik. Good BBQ.
Then to Best Buy near Perimeter Mall to see the Ultra HD TVs. One word: Wow.

Say you want a resolution.

We looked at the XBox ONE and the PS4 consoles. The graphics are amazing.
Went to Perimeter Mall to look for games for the kids at the mission. Didn’t really find anything we could use.
Dropped Jesse off then came home.
Admin duties and watching Baylor play TCU.
Saw a dog/horse.

And a watch made out of wood.

Jesse’s new car. You can see the engine through the back window.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm
This morning I went to my car to go get stamps from the Post Office for our mail out. Completely dead. So dead the clicker didn’t even work! I used the Expedition to jump it off and it worked just fine.

Went to the PO to get stamps for the newsletters. I took a sample so they knew how much it would weigh.

Got a call while I was at the Post Office that the technician from Comcast was at our house to work on the internet problem I’ve been helping. He came an hour EARLY! Wow. I rushed back at the house to deal with him.

Seems to be working better. It’s been really intermittent speeds lately.
Picked up our newsletters from the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association office. Sure appreciate them helping with that.

Then on to the mission to do the labels.

Glad some of the boys were around to help me. I brought the kids doughnuts as a treat.

I pumped up their soccer balls while I was there.

They’ve also been tiling the bathroom at the mission at Azalea. It was really terrible.

Then to Office Depot to pick up some more paper and the pouches we use to laminate the calendars going out in this month’s newsletter.
Dropped by Ashley’s house on the way home. She’s been printing calendars for the December mail out. We got about half in the mail this evening.
Back at the house now to do admin duties.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm
Super cold last night. My thermometer said 25. Hard on the birds. This crow is trying to get at the water.

I put some in right after this for them.
Wednesday was a rest day for me. Still feeling under the weather a bit. I didn’t even leave the house.
Thursday I spent the day with a college fraternity brother and his new wife: Dan and Mary Smith.

Meet them at her sister’s house in Marietta. We traveled around the Buford Highway Farmer’s Market, CD Tower, Hoa Da, Plaza Fiesta, Global Mall and Al Madina! A whirlwind tour around the world!

Dan went to Dr. Nguyen at Asian square. He also go some herbal remedy that he said really made him feel better!

He said the medicine tasted like “monkey piss.” No, I didn’t try any.
Plenty of odd stuff to see along the way.

Here’s what they brought home. FUN!

After taking Dan and Mary around, I did the last minute shopping for Thanksgiving. Got home around 10:30pm.
Today we enjoyed a great time with our family!

Missed seeing Ashley and Miles. There were at the Kendalls. Sure was great having Jesse around all day.
Back in bed to rest and finish up admin duties.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:32 pm
Rested almost all of Saturday. On antibiotics.

This morning I got the DVDs in the mail to our teams from Georgetown, TX and Snellville, GA.

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy and Jesse.
Wrote my newsletter for the month and sent it to our partner at the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association, Joel Harrison.
Went to Office Depot to pick up the supplies we need for our Christmas mailout.

Admin duties now. Trying to keep warm.
Love the colors.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:46 pm
Edited video for my team from Texas.

Jesse and I had a fantastic time with the HOPE team from West Side Baptist Church in Snellville.

Pastor Ben Lehman and his team did a wonderful job of presenting the Gospel in a fun way. They use basketball!

It was wonder to see our kids at the mission accept Christ.
It was pretty cold. I thought we had a good turnout.
Admin duties now. Enjoying warming up after the cold outside.
Watched the Baylor football game tonight. Depressing.
I thought this was interesting.


Baby pine cone.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:25 pm
Still not feeling well. My voice is a little better.
Edited the video for the Worship Place. Upload it to YouTube next.
Enjoyed time with Jesse!

We went to Walmart to do the grocery shopping and pick up a few things that he needed for Azalea.

Came home to rest.
Admin duties now.
We’ll see if they help our dog’s breath.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:00 pm
Ashley and I enjoyed giving our briefing on Islam and Hinduism today.

We dressed them up in some traditional Islamic clothing.

We took them to Clarkston to visit with the Mommy and Me program. Kathy is the director of the baby room for the refugee women studying English.

We have a thriving church campus!

Ashley showed the team her house then we went over to the Halal Pizza shopping center.
Traveled to Norcross to visit Global Mall.

We ate at Ashianas and visited one of the Hindu temples.

Back to Doraville for a rest then on to the mission!

I went home a bit early tonight. Didn’t sleep well last night and wasn’t feeling well. I got hoarse. That’s not zesty for a talker like me.
Watching TV with K about bigfoot. My kind of show, not hers.
Admin duties now.

This struck me as interesting.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 12:13 am
Ashley and I enjoyed giving our presentation on Buddhism this morning.

Always a fun doing our show and tell.

Took them to CD Tower, Hong Kong Bakery and Hoa Da–traditional Vietnamese medicine.

Had a fun lunch at our favorite: Royal China.

Then over to the mission to start renovations.
Working on painting Jesse’s room.

I scraped and cleaned the tub.

What a job. I used a big razor blade and Goof Off–which is like souped up acetone. Powerful fumes. Glad I had a fan.
Worked with the kids on their homework.

Becky did a great job telling the Bible story.

Two of our team members from the Worship Place had birthdays today and our friend Kawsar–he turned 12. Happy Birthday, Luther and Steve!

Fun day.
Stopped at the new QT on the way home. It’s a beauty.

Still feeling sick. Glad we were able to take a rest for a little while this afternoon. Thank God for air mattresses.
Admin duties now.
K and I enjoyed watching Almost Human and Castle this evening. I really like the Almost Human show. Super cool sci-fi.
I thought these clouds were cool.

The sun refracting through ice crystals.

Africa in Chamblee.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:17 pm
I had a terrible night’s sleep last night. I felt stopped up. Called Ashley early told her I’d be coming in later. Sure is great to have a partner that can cover for you.
Enjoyed working with my team from the Worship Place.

We had a great time cleaning up the mission.

Blood, sweat and tears.

Well not so much on the tears.
And especially working with the kids.

Had a great meeting with our board!

We all made presentations. Is was fun to hear Kathy and Jesse speak. Ashley was awesome as always.

Admin duties now. Need rest.
Interesting con trails.

Amazing colors!

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