Whirlwind Missions

Friday, November 29, 2013

Battery! Internet! Newsletters!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  

This morning I went to my car to go get stamps from the Post Office for our mail out. Completely dead. So dead the clicker didn’t even work! I used the Expedition to jump it off and it worked just fine.

Went to the PO to get stamps for the newsletters. I took a sample so they knew how much it would weigh.
Got a call while I was at the Post Office that the technician from Comcast was at our house to work on the internet problem I’ve been helping. He came an hour EARLY! Wow. I rushed back at the house to deal with him.

Seems to be working better. It’s been really intermittent speeds lately.

Picked up our newsletters from the Atlanta Metro Baptist Association office. Sure appreciate them helping with that.
Then on to the mission to do the labels.

Glad some of the boys were around to help me. I brought the kids doughnuts as a treat.

I pumped up their soccer balls while I was there.
They’ve also been tiling the bathroom at the mission at Azalea. It was really terrible.

Then to Office Depot to pick up some more paper and the pouches we use to laminate the calendars going out in this month’s newsletter.

Dropped by Ashley’s house on the way home. She’s been printing calendars for the December mail out. We got about half in the mail this evening.

Back at the house now to do admin duties.