Tim A. Cummins @ 7:36 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:14 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:26 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:27 pm
Friday evening about 10:18, I saw the International Space Station for the 17th time! It’s supposed to make another fly by Saturday night around 9:15pm. It’s usually brighter if it’s closer to sunset.

Went for a run this morning.

It’s Global 5K weekend on Runkeeper. I went 4.87 miles which is more than I thought I could do.
They are cutting down all the trees in preparation for a new neighborhood. Boo.

I hope they make something beautiful out of those trees.

Plenty of beauty!

Stopped a lot to pick up trash.

Home to clean up and work on admin duties.
Enjoyed lunch with Jesse at Crazy Ron’s BBQ.

My favorite BBQ in the WORLD. It was so good.

Came home to water plants and clean/refill my hummingbird feeders.

Looking forward to doing more VR this evening with Jesse. Uber groovy.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:23 pm
Fun morning: RECORDING!

I usually drive over to the lake and record there in the mobile studio, aka my car. But the place was PACKED with kids out from school.
I really enjoyed recording “Live Love.” It may be one of the most important episodes yet.
Uploaded to my server.

Linked to my Facebook account.

My Gardenia is really flowering. Love that.

My Pink Magnolia is as tall as I am now. Awesome.

Met up with Ashley and Penelope for lunch. Always good.

We took our friend Rob Martin out for lunch.

Great to catch up with friends.
Went to the post for stamps. Nice.

We got the labels on the newsletters.
I picked up the newsletters and folded and stuffed the newsletters.

Called Blue Cross Blue Shield about a payment on our health insurance.

Admin duties now.
I put up my new American Flag. I’m in flag mode these days.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:12 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 5:30 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm
Fun morning, RECORDING!

Yeah, baby! I enjoyed laying down the track for “I am not the Product.”
We are our memories, the collected thoughts of our past.
This is the view I have when I’m recording. Beauty.

Uploaded the file to my server.

Put the link on Facebook.

Fixed our vacuum cleaner. The bottom hose was completely jammed up.
Managed to get most of the stuff out of the hose.

It works!

While I was in Israel, I learned that the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was being filmed in Atlanta. I decided to send Chris Pratt a few little gifts and ask him if he’d like to see the International Village. I think it’d be fun to meet him.

I talked to the staff at Pinewood Studios where they’re filming. She told me that I could mail a package and the production company would get it to them. Hope so.
Met up with Ashley, Penelope and our friend Jimmy Kim from Perimeter Church.

I let Penelope try some Korean potato salad. She wasn’t impressed.

We talked about the outreach for their Summer Rush conference. We enjoyed the tasty Korean food.
I went to see Avengers Civil War. Really liked it with lots of characters like Ant Man and Spider Man.

I saw this speedboat on a truck on 285.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:24 pm
I had a fun day today!
K and I went to Westside Baptist Church.

Great to be back in our church. Ashley dropped Penelope at our house to watch her for the day. Never too much sweet P!

It was Senior Appreciation day. I’m so stupid I thought he was going to say something nice about the old folks.

Pastor preached Jesus. Focus on the priorities.
We came home and Kathy walked to the park with Penelope. They swang in swings and played in the sand.
I took a nap during these festivities. A 2 hour nap! I’m still having some issues with jetlag. Went to sleep about 8:30pm. Actually, more like fell asleep. Jesse came over to see us last night. I kept nodding off. Woke up at 5:30am. I’m getting there.
I drove to the park to hang out with the girls and then bring them home. It’s about 1.3 miles to the park. That’s pretty far to push a stroller, especially with our hills!
Ashley and Miles had fun at the lake with one of their friends. It’s good for kids to get away and not have to worry about the baby. You pretty much have to just focus on P when you’re with her unless she’s asleep. She’s and incredibly active baby and getting more mobile literally every day. She has tremendous leg and arm strength.
Looking forward to watching shows with K. She’s resting now.
Admin duties.
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