Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm
Gassed up my car. It has the cheapest gas of any I know of in Atlanta.

On my way home tonight it’s down to 2.01.
Ashley, Penelope and I had a great time on our final day together with Morven Baptist Church.

Today was our “D Day,” or Dedication Day.
Gave Pastor Mike the Golden Egg of Eggcellence!

We talked to them about Mexican Catholicism.

P liked to play with the big globe.

The girls got cold. Ash and I were sweating.

“It’s up to ME,” passing the baton.

Signing the Landing Pad.

Then off to Plaza Fiesta! ORALE!

Always great food!

They’ve been a great team.

To the missions!

Ashley and I put up our gear. We’ll set it up early Tuesday morning, I suspect.
Watching “Learning to Drive” with K.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm
We had over 1.5″ of rain yesterday at my house. Wow.

Ashley, Penelope and I had a great time with our teams today! We talked to them about Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Rabbi mode.

The Red Thread ceremony is always meaningful.

Enjoyed Indian food at Ashiana’s.
Hindu temple is always interesting.

Then to the Middle East at Al Madina.

Went to Lowes and Walmart looking for white duct tape. Got exactly what I wanted.

Also to Hobby Lobby to pick up some styrofoam heads. We’ll put some wrestling masks on them for the kids to buy. Should be fun!

Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:59 pm
Two of my raccoons came to visit last night.

My red light seems to work great! It’s easy to see them with my binoculars, but the camera doesn’t like it.
Ashley, Penelope and I had fun with our teams from Morven and Mcdonough today!
I get the place rockin’!
We sing outside in a big circle.

We talked about Hinduism and Buddhism.
Raja Tim.
Ponytail hat.

Then took them on Safari to Asian Square.

Lunch at Penang.

To the missions!

Ashley and I did research for our boutique. We have the “Yeah, baby!” and the “Best Day Ever” t-shirts. Today, we added a whole line of different types of candy and cookies.
I think Ashley will make the display look great and the goodies are fun and delicious, too!
Love this baby!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:24 pm
Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our team from Morven, GA this morning!

We taught them how to round up the kids and talk with people at the markets.
On Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market!

I’m still amazed I can get people to kiss a frozen goat head.

Then to the missions.

Went by Comcast to take the modems back from our missionary that has returned to NJ.

Helped the team get their van started.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm
Ashley and I had a great time talking to the Middle Schoolers at First Baptist Atlanta this morning!

David is doing a terrific job with the students!

They will be coming on a mission trip this Summer with us at least for one day and hopefully two or three!
After the session, we had a good lunch with Miles, his parents and Penelope.

We had a short rest, then I went back to Clarkston to pick Ashley up and went to Perimeter Church where we did a session for the leadership of the Rush youth conference in July. We had some issues with one of their teams last summer, so we wanted to make sure everything went well this year.
Over to FBC Doraville, to finish setting up for tomorrow’s new teams!
Had a good talk with Jesse this evening. I need that!
Admin duties now. Fortunately, gmail is working so I was able to send off my newsletter to our partner Joel Harrison to print and the list of photo galleries and the link to the video to the leaders of the two teams from last week.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm
Friday morning I worked on banking.

Also uploaded material to my Twitter account. They are my version of sermon notes!

Collated the purchases I’d made on my personal Amazon account for the ministry.

Checked the coolant in my car. There’s a pinhole leak in the radiator.

Worked on editing the video I shot of the teams from Florida and N. Georgia. One of the files was missing. Fortunately, I still had the SD card to recover the files from.

I had to download some software to find and recover those files.

Seems to be working. It’s finding files.

Put my new vacuum cleaner together. The other one didn’t suck.
Ashley brought the Magnificent Baby over today. What a blessing she is! And the baby is great too!

I created little cross country tracks going over boxes and pillows.

She seemed to have fun. I worked with her a lot today on finding her balance.

It’s fun to see her figure things out. I put a ball inside a plastic cover.

I enjoyed taking K out for supper. Came home and went to bed.
Saturday morning I worked on editing video. Discovered that those files wouldn’t work.

Enjoyed lunch with K.
Back to editing, uploading video, burning dvds and working on the newsletter.

I’m looking forward to showing the kids this!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm
Ashley, Penelope and I had a great time briefing our teams on Mexican Catholicism.

We gave our team leaders the Golden Egg of EGGcellence.

I was our D Day today: Dedication Day!
Passing the baton, “It’s up to ME!”

After our prayer time, people leave a signed note in front of a picture of the Lord, get a Hebrew blessing and anointed with oil from Israel, and sign the Landing Pad.

Then to Plaza Fiesta!

The guys liked the wrestling Masks.

P liked her new balloon!

We took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market since our team from Florida missed Monday due to bus problems.
Lots of goodies to try!

Great final day at the missions!

Everyone loves Penelope.

We were glad to see our friend Pastor Deon today!

K and I took care of Penelope this evening. She’s such a blessing. Her favorite tonight was rutabagas!
It was also her first time to try watermelon. She had fun sucking on that!
Admin duties now.
I read that many of the animals in nature cannot see red light, just as we can’t see ultraviolet or infrared light. So I added a light to my feeders. Not sure how the game trail camera will react to that much light. It may turn out way overexposed, or the other camera may record with red video. We shall see . . . .

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm
Ashley, Penelope and I enjoyed briefing our team on Judaism, Christianity and Islam this morning!

We had our Red Thread ceremony. Prayer Triggers work!

Then on Safari to Global Mall for Indian food at Ashiana’s.

Upstairs to the Shiv Mandir Hindu Temple.

To Al Madina!

A quick return back to the church then off to the missions!

They are doing a great job!
Ashley and I went to Comcast to try and drop off the modem that one of our missionaries had left behind. The service center had moved. Bahd luck.

To Office Depot to mail her winter coat, Bibles and financial records back to her.

I treated my girls to frozen yogurt! P likes Salted Caramel Pecan the best.
Admin duties now.
Whoa. Literally.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:53 pm
Beautiful “Strawberry” moon last night!

Full moon on the Summer Solstice only comes around once every 70 years!
Ashley, Penelope and I had a fun time briefing our teams from Tampa, Florida and N. Georgia this morning!

Took them on Safari to Asian Square and lunch at Penang!

To the missions!

Stopped by Honey Bits to check on Jesse and his VR start up!
Watched some of MacFarland with K.
Took her out for a late night supper at Frontera.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm
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