Tim A. Cummins @ 1:53 pm
My voice is super tired. My body aches. I take it to the max every day. It takes it toll. I had to rest today.
I have a few days to work on other projects. Teams are back in about five days.
Worked on our SmugMug website. Figuring out how to feature and unfeature galleries on our home page. Just takes time to get it squared away.
Looking forward to lunch with Jesse and Kathy in a moment. K has been riding her bike around the mountain. Proud of her for doing that.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 1:50 pm
Ashley, Penelope and I had a meaningful Dedication Day with our team from Tennessee.

The Golden Egg of Eggcellence.

Presentation of Power Prayer.

Briefing on interacting with people in the market.

Dedication time.

Passing the baton, “It’s up to ME!”

Priestly Blessing and anointing the heads with oil from the Holy Land.

Signing the Landing Pad.

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

P kisses the Frozen Sheep Head.

This is P’s life.

Also looked at the Enigmas store. Always something weird to see.

They helped us strike the set for The Show. Sadly, there’s a funeral and memorial service for one of the ladies of the church.
And helped fold/label the newsletters.

To the missions! We had a church partner come to Azalea to do a party and give out back packs. I had no idea they were coming. No problem for us. We just shifted gears and went to the other mission.

GREAT to watch Penelope Saturday night. She’s such a wonderful human being. She’s pretty much my favorite human being on the planet. Last night as I was carrying her up the stairs to take her home, she was asleep in my arms and suddenly I was struck by how much she looked like Ashley. It was a very special moment.
I offered to keep the baby over night. I knew I could rest on Sunday. The parents weren’t quite ready for that. Mama and Dada need their baby love!

We told Miles and Ashley last night that we didn’t have a baby sitter for Ashley at all until she was nearly two. Not even for three hours. A lot of that was because A was completely breast fed. She never had a bottle! I guess that’s why P is fun for me too, because I never got to feed a baby when I was in my 20s.
Sure do love MY baby!

She’s really turned out to be a dedicated, loving, creative Mom!
I went to sleep early. Tired. Especially my voice. Looking forward to a few days of rest. Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:44 pm
Ashley, Penelope and I had fun briefing our teams from N. Carolina, S. Georgia and Tennessee today!

Always fun to sing! I go into full on Coach Mode with my new Pyle Driver Megalaphone. (At least that’s what I call her.)

Presenting of the Golden Eggs of Eggcellence!

We did our briefing on Mexican Catholicism.

Passing of the Baton. “It’s up to ME!”

Signing the Landing Pad.

I ended the ban on writing on the yellow. I wanted to make sure Jesus could see it easily.

Then to Plaza Fiesta!

Never seen this before.

On to the Missions!

Ash, P and I went around to the sites to check on the teams. For two of them it was their DDAy, or Dedication Day. Sad to say goodbye.
Got stamps for the newsletters.

Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:42 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm
Ashley, Penelope and I had a fun morning with our teams from N. Carolina and S. Georgia!

I’m not always the best coach.

Took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Don’t see this every day.

We got them on site, then went to Perimeter Church to pick up another 50 back packs.
By the time we got finished picking them up and dropping them off at Azalea, the teams had finished for the day.
Ash and I then set up for The Show tomorrow morning. We’ll be doing the Buddhism and Hinduism sections tomorrow.
Came home and refilled my feeders, including my hummingbird feeders.
Painted a stand for the Big Globe.
Super glued the top of the toilet at Azalea. Don’t know how someone managed to break that.

Filled up with gas on the way home.

Memorized everyone’s name from the groups we have in town.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm
I worked on transcribing the email addresses of the people that have worked with us onto our automated email program called Mail Chimp.

I’ve done 150 so far. Ashley had done over 550! Yow! No fast way to do it. I ended up with over 700 today.

I want to be more aggressive with sending our supporters information. At least every couple of weeks.
Kathy and I went to Westside Baptist Church this morning.

Always great to hear Pastor Ben.

This morning, the HOPE team reported on their trip to Detroit and Indiana. Great message!

Had a good lunch at Baby Jane’s with K and a friend of ours from church.
Came home to work on the email addresses and add a few weeks of social media onto my Twitter program. It posts my material five times a day. Takes me about 30 minutes to put in a month’s worth of material.

My tweets are all short observations based on the sermon that I’m listening to. My version of sermon notes.
Met up with Ashley at FBC Doraville around 7:30pm. Took us about 1.5 hours to set up for The Show. I added two more small spot lights. I’m always working on improving the look of the stage and surroundings.
Admin duties now.
Just saw the mama raccoon outside. I love my red light. I can see them, but they think it’s totally dark. Crazy.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm
Recorded a new podcast this morning!

Yeah, baby! My voice was finally strong enough to do one. I really enjoyed making this episode called “The Long Story.” How we talk to about people and to ourselves makes a giant difference on your perception of reality.
Uploaded to my server.

Put the link on Facebook.

K and I had Hot N Cold buffet for lunch. Excellent!
I went to see Star Trek “Beyond” this afternoon. It was a good movie, but not a great one.

Went by Walmart to do the shopping after the movie. I thought there would be a lot less people there than in the afternoon. I was right. Wasn’t bad at all this evening.

I had poured down rain during the movie. Post rain always means “bubbles” to me.

K got into some poison ivy. She’s taking benadryl which makes her sleepy. At least she’s not itchy.
Admin duties now.
We call Kathy, “Mo.” I liked this license plate.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm
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