Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm
Went for a 2.63 mile run this morning. Beautiful.

I’m curious as to what caused this.

This smells fantastic.

Had a fun time eating lunch with Ashley and Penelope. We talked about our upcoming Double Decade Dinner that’s coming up on September 10th.
Ashley sounded stopped up and has a sore throat. She took the baby for her shot and 9 month check up. Penelope did great!
After the doctor visit and Ash not feeling well, I told them to stay home and I could handle the mission.
Came home to rest.
Then to the mission!
Fortunately, the kids came in waves that weren’t too hard to handle.

I’m really working on people learning how to do subtraction. It’s hard for them to get, all the regrouping stuff.
One of my kids is a High School Senior. He was talking about taking Biology as a major in college. He mentioned Pharmacist. I told him I thought there were local schools just for pharmacology. On my way home, less than a mile from the mission, I see a car with this sticker. When I stopped at a light, I messaged Minhaz with that info. Weird how when I think of things, they show up. It’s like the Dirty Money Game.

Admin duties now.
I’ve been enjoying watching Agents of Shield in the evenings.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:32 pm
Fun morning: RECORDING!

The ability to see new things is a skill! Take a fresh peek at “Surprise Prize Eyes.”
You’ll have some fun!
Uploaded to my server.

Link to Facebook.

Updated Twitter feed.

Went to the Post Office.

Super crowded decided to just send my Mom more tea through Amazon and let them pay the postage. I’ll take the other bags I have here with me when I go to Texas in October.
Then got a sub on the way to the airport. I parked in the very front.

I liked this skylight.

And the reflection.

GREAT to have the Kendalls back!

They had a great time in Georgetown with my parents, Al and Peggy Cummins.
Ashley also spoke at Main Street Baptist Church. Way to go Team Ashley!
Admin duties now.
I liked some of the airport art.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 3:16 pm
Kathy and I went to Westside BC this morning.

We joined the church months ago, but I still knew very few member’s names.
Bought “Hello, my name is” stickers and markers. Everyone had their name tags on and I shot pictures of as many members as I could.

Enjoyed lunch with Kathy. She helped serve an 103 year old man at the restaurant.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:20 pm
I dropped off the financial report that Ashley did to our Treasurer, Jon Paul.

Did some banking.

Over to Azalea to meet up with Jesse. We enjoyed BBQ for lunch.

We cleaned the mission up. J did most of the vacuuming and sweeping.

I did the carpet cleaning.

I especially did the area where Penelope can play.

Hooked up the Nintendo 64 I just got.

Set all the chairs and tables back up.

I want the place to be nice and clean for the baby.
Came home and did the carpets in my living room again. They had some odd discolorations.

I used only hot water with no product. Still amazing how much dirt came out.
Took the machine back to Lowes after cleaning it thoroughly.
Went to the Dollar Tree to get some permanent markers. I need to use them at church tomorrow.

Watching the Revenant with K.
Admin duties now.
Cool clouds.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm
This morning I got to Ashley’s house around 6:30am.
Drove them to the airport. They’re on Safari to visit my Folks in Georgetown, Texas!

Not easy flying with a baby. Ashley said she was running a bit of a fever. Teething?
Put up another location for a hummingbird feeder. I have four. I’m spreading them out a bit more. One of the males tries to chase the others off.
Refilled feeders and relocated my red light. I got it up off the ground on a rock.
Worked on the carpets most of the afternoon.
Straightened the house.

Then vacuumed.

Deep scrubbed the high travel areas and spots.

I mix up a solution of hot water and oxyclean.

Then scrub it in with a stiff broom.

Got the Rug Cleaner from Lowes.

Takes about 3 hours to complete the process. That’s if I don’t stop.
Also cleaned the stairs.

I didn’t take the cleaner back yet. I’m thinking about doing the carpets at the mission. Not sure how my back will feel tomorrow. I’d like to make sure the floors are clean for Penelope.
Kathy went for a bike ride. She got up at 5:30am this morning. She’s a tired camper.
Admin duties now.
Good game on Battlefront last night.

Beautiful clouds.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:23 pm
This morning I worked on completing the Chocolate Brains and Baby Feet project.
Poured chocolate into the molds.
Set into the freezer.

The fork was an experiment with honey. Epic fail.
I still need to cover the candies with gold foil.
Wrote my newsletter. Produced it and sent it to our partner to print.

Got more markers in the mail.

Got some cleaners and hardware/screws for my handrail banister. I need to reinforce what I have.

Scrubbed the ceramic burners on our stove. What a challenge.


Furniture polish for our living room table.

Got stamps for the newsletters.

I took a couple of Golden Brains for Jesse.

Watered my Ficus plant in my office.

Got the newsletter envelopes from our storage area at FBC Doraville.
My girls and Miles are going to Texas tomorrow morning! They’ll be missed!

To the mission to work with the kids. They helped us with labeling the letters. I get doughnuts as a thank you.

Went to Plaza Fiesta to get some repairs done onto Ashley’s 3 piece.

Stopped at Michaels to check on supplies for an air brush. I buy pretty much everything from Amazon, but I like to see it in person, too.

Play N Trade for two Nintendo 64 game consoles. The only game system that is “Mission Tough.” I plan on having a little competition with some trophies.

Met up with Jesse at our house. We went out to eat with Kathy. Good times.
Admin duties now. Early morning tomorrow. I’ll pick up Ashley, Miles and the Magnificent Baby at their house around 7am. Yow.
Cool clouds. What does it look like to you?

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm
I love science and nature. I consider myself a Naturalist. I love studying animals. In the last few months, I’ve added an entirely new dimension to my animal observation: red flood lights. Animals cannot see that spectrum of light.
So I put dry cat food and suet and wait. I also have a game trail camera that takes 10 seconds of video whenever the light beam is broken.

I have four separate raccoons that come to my feeder. At least one opossum. I hope one day to see a fox or a coyote on my game cam. Or in person!
Last night, I looked out the window and I saw a 2ft object standing on the ground. It looked pretty bulky. I got my binoculars out and was studying the shape when it turned its’ head and looked at me with two enormous eyes! An owl! Sure didn’t expect that! It flew up into the tree above my feeders.
A minute later, an opossum showed up at the feeder. I wondered if the owl would attack the opossum. He didn’t!
The drama of the night in my back yard.
For the third day in a row: RECORDING. Wow. Do I love to hear myself talk. “PosiMAXIMUM” will get you going in the right direction!

Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Lunch with Kathy, Ashley and Penelope. ALL my girls. Fabulosa.

Worked on making more chocolate Brains and Baby Feet.

Then I wrap them in gold foil.

Had a meeting with Diana Clarkson and Ashley with Penelope. Diana works with an organization that gives Flu shots.

P is always the best ambassador for Whirlwind Missions.

Over to Walmart to buy some snacks for Penelope. A labor of love for sure.
To the mission to work with the kids. You can tell where they hang out.

I’m teaching the children how to watch Penelope. Clear the floor. Make a fence with your legs.

Wow. Does she get a lot of attention.
Ate supper with Jesse. Uberness. We went shopping to pick up a few things.

Admin duties now.
Beautiful sunset.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:27 pm
Added text to my social media feed. It’s all automated. My tweets are my version of sermon notes. @timacummins. Over 80,000 followers.

Another great morning. Why? Because I got to RECORD! Yeah, baby!

This edition of Verbal Surgery is called, “Skylight.” How your belief systems can hold you back or liberate you.
Uploaded to my server.

Posted on Facebook.

Let the sunshine IN!
Ate lunch with Kathy. Always great.
I went to Lowes today to get some fresh dry erase marker boards. We take a 4 x 8 board of shower wall board and cut it into 1 ft square pieces. Perfect for the kids to use at the mission.

Went to the mission.

Place was packed.

Met up with my good friend David Litton. We call him, “Jonesy.”

I was glad to have his help. Place was packed. Ashley was watching the baby while Miles went to the doctor. She was missed!
Ate supper with David. Took food back to Jesse. Good times!
I got home around 9pm. K was about ready to go to sleep. She gets up at 5:30am. Ouch.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm
Fun morning! RECORDING! As my wife would say, I live to hear myself talk. I love this edition of Verbal Surgery because it is centered on neurology, a subject I love. Train your brain to change your mind! Check out “Mind Craft.”
Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Had a fabulous lunch with Kathy, Ashley and the Magnificent Baby. AP will be going to Texas with Miles to visit my parents in Georgetown. It’s about thirty miles North of Austin in Central Texas. So I’m getting as much baby time as possible.
Had a short rest before going on to Azalea. BEST news was that Ashley brought Penelope. Awesomeness incarnate.
Gassed up my car.

Weird at the mission today. Ashley and I had been there for over 1.5 hours and were ready to leave. That’s when a few more kids wandered in. I sent the girls on home and stayed there with the tardy ones. Apparently, their Mom had been at work and they weren’t allowed to leave. C’est la vie.

Great to be with my girls!

Stopped by Subway to pick up a couple of subs for Jesse. He hasn’t been sleeping well. Please pray that Jesse’s sleep with increase and that he’ll feel well again. Amen!
Kathy was already in bed by the time I got home around 7pm. She’s a tired girl who has to get up before 6am.
Admin duties now.
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