Tim A. Cummins @ 10:44 pm
Wednesday evening I had five raccoons visit my feeding station.

This morning I ran a 5.13 mile route around my neighborhood.

Always something beautiful to see.

Still true.

The last couple of miles I picked up trash along the road.

Nasty. But I hate seeing trash. I really don’t get people who just chuck their garbage out the window.

I find all kinds of things.

Came home to rest. I must have gotten overtired. Really nauseated. Threw up a couple of times. Delightful.
Rested and felt better.
Enjoyed working at the mission with the kids. Always wonderful to see Ashley and Penelope. She continues to improve her walking!

Vacuumed the carpet to make it clean for P.

Showing us the love.

Went to Walmart to pick up groceries for Jesse and K and me.

Dropped off the groceries at Azalea.
Went by Kroger to check on J’s medicine. Wasn’t there. We’ll have to call them again in the morning.
Watered my plants.

My neighbor is building a fence.

Watched Longmire with Kathy.
Admin duties now.
Tonight was the 20th time for me to spot the International Space Station.

I have an app on my iPhone called “Skyview.” It shows me where in the sky the ISS is. Most of the time we can’t see it because it’s during daylight, or night time. It has to be just after sunset so the sun can light it up with a darkening sky. I also get an email from NASA and their “Spot the Station” program. I entered where I live and it shows me when it will appear. Seems like once a month and then two days in a row. I started writing down when I saw it on my 17th spotting in May.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm
The triplets came to visit last night.

I spent time with Jesse and Peter Jundt today. He’s our Health Insurance advisor.

We are looking over all the options for Jesse and the rest of us as well.
He said they expect health insurance to go up next year. What else is new?
Came home to read and study insurance.
To the mission to work with Ashley and Penelope. Love those girls!

I’m popular with the ladies.

Enjoyed talking with K about the day’s events while watching American Ninja Warrior.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:55 pm
This morning I finished producing my newsletter. I added pictures and polished my text.

Went to Walmart to pick up labels for the newsletter.

Talked to Express Scripts about Kathy’s medicines. Always something.

Worked with the kids at the mission. They helped us do the labels and stuff the envelopes.
Post Office to drop off the letters.

I got them doughnuts for a treat.

Everyone gets one. The kids that help get first choice.

P approved.

GREAT to see Penelope. She took several steps at the mission. I’m so proud of her!
Traffic was a nightmare trying to get home. I sounded a retreat and went to Lenox Mall away from the traffic and ate a hamburger at Johnny Rocket’s. I thought it was pretty good. Like the jukebox.

I liked this picture at the Mall.

Drove home. Traffic was fine by then.
Had a good talk with Jesse. He’s achieved a lot with his business in the last couple of weeks. He’s still having issues sleeping. He’s talking to his doctor and counselor about that.
Admin duties now.
Fantastic clouds.

Incredible reflection.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm
Fun morning: RECORDING!

Love this new edition of Verbal Surgery. “Baby Love” reminds us of our unconditional love for babies and how this can transfer into our adult lives. Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

Sent back the shower handle. It didn’t work.

UPS store to drop it off.

Stamps for the newsletter envelopes.

I tried to find the bolt to fit this little suction cup. Couldn’t find one so I just used electrical tape to fix my grabber.

Made more hummingbird food: sugar and water at a 4/1 ratio.

Worked on my newsletter. I got it written, but haven’t laid the pictures out yet.
Started printing labels but ran out. I tried to get some at Walmart, but they didn’t have them.
Enjoyed working at the mission with Ashley! Always good.

Missed having Penelope to bring us joy!
Ate supper with Jesse this evening. Great conversations.

Went to Walmart to get some supplies. Didn’t have everything I needed.
Came home to watch the debates and spend time with K.
Admin duties now.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm
Recorded a new podcast this morning!

Want to get more out of life? Then check out “Wonder Wander!”
Wonder what is the best thing that could happen and wander looking for new ideas!
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded my podcast to my server.
Link on Facebook.
Got the groceries after recording.I didn’t know there was an app for that.

Picked up a lot of trash on the side of the road.

Looks better now.

I installed this grip. K said it had already come loose. That’s discouraging.

Came home and vacuumed the carpet.

Paid bills.

Put new batteries in my field camera.

Blew the leaves off the porch.

Did the laundry.
Put my new flowers in my window box.

Got the information together for my health advisor.
Enjoyed watching Longmire with Kathy.
Admin duties now.
Also gave myself a haircut.
I like the sound of this.

Interesting. Haven’t seen the middle one before.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:31 pm
Last night, I had five raccoons at the same time! Yow.

Today I upgraded the media in my house.
Comcast came by.

I’ve been having problems with my TV and Internet service.
They put a new box for my analog TV upstairs.

A new modem for Internet.

A new box for my HD TV.

They put in a new box on my house outside. Includes a signal amplifier.

Redid the wire to the street.

New box for the top of the pole.
Have to learn a new clicker. No big deal.

Internet is supposed to be a lot better. I can’t tell much difference. We’ll see.
Apparently, when Comcast did their last major upgrade, most of Snellville and Lawrenceville started to have major problems with service. Especially the houses that had only a moderate signal.
Enjoyed watching Longmire with Kathy this evening.
Flew my little drone around the house.
Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm
Great to see one of my mentors this morning: Sam Bandela! He was the Executive Director for the Chamblee Doraville Ministry Center when I worked there.
He’s had some changes in his ministry and wanted to talk to me about them. Sometimes it’s hard to counsel people.

Ashley and Penelope joined us for lunch at BBQ Tonight which is an Afghani place.
A and I went back to my house to work on the 2017 Promo material. Ashley is SO good at this stuff. It just looks great. The finished product will be ready soon.
Met up with the girls at Azalea. Groovy.

Penelope took her first unassisted step today!
She’s practicing with the girls at the mission.

She’s so beautiful.

Came home to work on admin duties and spend time with K. She’s been out riding her bike.
One thing I miss about Africa is going to Game Parks. Most of them had a lodge you could stay in and spend the night. They would put red lights up and hang meat from trees to attract leopards.
Every night I put food out for the racoons and possums. It’s interesting to watch them out my window every night with my red light, just like back home.

Cleaned and refilled the bird baths.

Construction near my house. New bridge coming in.

I don’t even know how to respond to this.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:15 pm
Last night I had two raccoons come to visit.

The big news is that Penelope spent the night. First time away from her parents! She was very good. She’s just so happy when she sees you. It’s a beautiful thing.
We spent hours today playing and exploring every part of the house.
Went to the office to water plants and check on the mail.

I spent another thirty minutes on hold with Blue Cross Blue Shield of GA trying to set up an account for Jesse. Got disconnected again. Terrible.
Ashley came to pick her up this afternoon, then we all met up again at Azalea to help the kids.

Came home to watch Luther with K. We also went out to eat Chinese food. It was very good.
Added lights to her bike to keep her safe when it’s dark.

Admin duties now.
Beautiful clouds.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:26 pm
The Triplets came to visit me last night.

Their eyes can’t see that red light. It looks completely dark to them.
I had an owl visit recently. She was sitting on the ground, just outside of that red cone of light. Birds can see that frequency of light perfectly.
I just cancelled the supply of DVDs from Netflix. I reckon we’ve been watching Netflix movies for at least ten years. We were one of the first.

We use streaming exclusively now.
Fun morning: RECORDING!

I’ve been worried about some of K’s health issues. So this episode is all about being anxious. Win the battle against “Worry Wars.”

Just click on the title and GROOVE.
Uploaded to my server.

I went to Lowes to pick up material to build a temporary fence next to our car port. During the Fall, we have a constant barrage of leaves that come by our door.

In the past, I’ve used a netting. I think the aluminum flashing will work better.

Then after the leaves are gone, I can roll it back up and put it under the house.

Reorganized the things in my back storage area.

I needed to get my car ready for Penelope. I’d moved almost everything to make room for the stuff on our trip to the N. Georgia mountains.
The finished product.

Stretched out a fresh wire for one of my hummingbird feeders. Cleaned and refilled all four.

Worked at the mission with the kids. Not many came today. Not much going on at school I reckon.

Enough to keep us busy!
I was on hold with Blue Cross Blue Shield for nearly three hours today. I’m setting up Jesse with his own account. Still haven’t gotten to talk to a service agent.

Makes me think I need to look at other options.
Repaired holes in my comforter.

Best news of the day is that I got to take Penelope home with me tonight. Ashley has an assignment early tomorrow with a friend. The Magnificent Baby is officially on her first sleep over.

She really is one of my best friends.
I just realized tonight that I’m the grandfather version of Nana.
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