Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm
Woke up around 4am to study Portuguese.
I also had a good chat with my friend Anthony Jacquin who is currently with his family on holiday on an island off of Spain. Always fun to make contact!
Then back to studying.
Went back to sleep for a few hours.
Then back up to go record a new podcast! While I was there a car alarm kept going off. Eventually, after probably fifteen minutes, I went over to the house to see what was going on.
A Haitian man said that his car was making this noise, but he didn’t have a car alarm. I asked him for the key. “Did it start?” “No.”
“Does this key open the door?” “Yes.” I took the key, closed the door, locked the door, unlocked the door again with the key and the alarm went silent. “Sometimes you have to reset it with a locked door.” He nodded in amazement. I asked where they were from. He said, “Haiti.” We had fun speaking French for a while. Then he saide “Yo hablo Espanol.” I told him, in Spanish, “Yo hablo Espanol, tambien.” We talked for a while in Spanish. Then I told him, “Bon Dia” which is Portuguese! The mixed up life of the polyglot.
Went back to the park and enjoyed recording a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “False Alarms.” Seemed like the thing to do!

Came home to spend time with Kathy. Ashley and Penelope came over, as well as Jesse. Ashley was recording some scripts for Jesse while I took care of Penelope.
Kathy is doing better but still has pains in her leg.
After they finished recording, Jesse and I went back to Azalea to work on painting the mission.
We finished the girl’s room.

And the front room where we will still have mission activities.

I did the first coat of paint on Ashley and Miles’ bedroom and their bathroom.

I still have to do the second coat of paint on the little bathroom and Ashley’s bedroom. Paint the second bathroom. Paint the kitchen and do all the trim in those three rooms. At least four more hours. I’ll have it all done by the weekend if all goes well.
I miss taking pictures of everyone doing their hard work, but I don’t bring out my phone when I have paint on my hands!
We have a LOT of mission work going on this weekend including a team from First Redeemer church on Saturday for most of the day and speaking in three services at Midway Macedonia BC in Villa Rica on Sunday.
I also have a client for my life coaching business on Friday.
Good times!
Had good conversation with Kathy this weekend. Hypnosis is not always about inductions. Lots of time hypnosis is special kinds of conversations. It’s what I call Verbal Surgery.
Like with Kathy, just having her visualize playing with the Penelope and the happiness that she brings can be very powerful hypnosis!
Admin duties now.