Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Global Mall! Presents and Wrapping! 12.22.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Good News.

Arrived at Global Mall in good time.

Always good to see Ashley.

My “Cadillac” was gone. The extra-grande wheelchair was missing in action this morning. We came over here to see if we could spot it in the senior center across the escalators.

Everly brought her baby, BB Queen.

I asked the girls if they knew what this was. They’d only seen the hand-held kind.

Today, one of the Guatemalan women who works cleaning up the mall called them, “Princessas.” So we had to look for jewelry for princesses.

The room where the Shiv Mandir used to be was open this morning. We went through it. I felt kind of sad. We had had some really special times there.

We used to talk about this.

How many of these airlines have you flown on?

I counted twelve for sure.

I love this background.

Little known Indian god.

Went to Walmart to get toys for the girls. I got a $100 Walmart gift card from our board. I spent all of that plus about another $125. Those little girls play me like a dad gum violin.

We came home to wrap what we had bought except for a few each that they could play with immediately.

The girls bought me my favorite Christmas gift. Wonderful.

I’ll have two big garbage bags full of gifts.

I got an email from the President of the Whirlwind Missions board about our outreach this weekend.

Studied Spanish.

After wrapping most of the gifts, I took the girls home and tried, unsuccessfully, to get them to take a nap.

Beautiful sunset.

The kids are out of school and enjoying playing.

I took the Kendall’s garbage to the dumper and saw this in it! Perfect shape, about a foot wide. It’s a beauty.

Went by the office to get the mail.

Made my grocery order.

I got Kathy’s absentee vote ready to cast tomorrow.