Tim A. Cummins @ 6:56 pm
Studied Spanish!

Cold and wet.

Brain training.

One Year Bible from Matthew and Exodus.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery “Fast Resort.” Downloaded it from my Sony PCM-M10 to my Mac.

Called my Mom.

Tomorrow, Ashley and I will get the newsletter printed, folded up and mailed. We also need to print the tax letters. I alphabetized the envelopes so we could put the letters with the donors more easily.

Enjoyed watching the Magicians on Netflix and playing Zero Dawn.
Watered my plants. Refilled feeders.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm
I enjoy reading neurological articles. This one is about the anterior insular cortex and how this area could be the center of our “mind” in our body.

Studied Spanish.

Brain Training.

I downloaded the “Clock and Watch” edition of Verbal Surgery to my Mac.

One Year Bible. Love this.

Cold day. Most of the day was completely overcast.

Fun talk with my buddy Anthony. We chatted while he walked his dog in subfreezing temperatures.

Been watching Fate on Netflix.
Enjoyed playing Zero Dawn.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm
Cold yet turned gorgeous.

Always great to be with my girls!

We drive right by this ATM. Decided to start using it.

Penelope did some terrific drawings today.

I was given these little light up animals. They never seem to light up. This is the brightest part of the yard and can actually help me not go off the curb.

Studied Spanish.

I got some envelopes in. They came with bubble wrap. Sounded like firecrackers when they jumped on them.

To the Doggie Park next.

Cool clouds.

Saw a Sharp Shinned Hawk on the ground near my house.

I liked the shadow from one of the climbing things at the park.

Beautiful, golden colors.

Released Verbal Surgery -825- “Imitation Jewelry.”
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm
I thought these were interesting.

Kid kept trying to scroll the screen.

The poem Gorman gave at the inauguration.

I had to review the meaning of this word.

My sister-in-law gave me some old iPhones. I got one of the 6s models to work. Others won’t take a charge.

I cleaned all my bed linens last night.

Cold day today, even colder tomorrow!

Studied Spanish.

Beautiful sunrise clouds.

Girl time is always A+!

One Year Bible.

The girls and I have so much fun together.

I’m still trying to set up the HSA properly. Can’t get an appointment.

Took the girls home to Azalea.
Checked on the kids at the mission. They had all completed their homework and done well. Sometimes, I really feel like I’m making a difference.
To my office to check the mail and water my ficus. Started processing the checks.

Fed the birds and raccoons.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:19 pm
Studied Spanish.


Slow traffic this morning, including a train.

OYB. One Year Bible.

Nothing will be impossible. Preach!
Picked up the girls under the overhang at Global Mall.

Still trying to set up an appointment with Bank of America. I want to make sure all the HSA stuff gets done correctly.

It’s that time of the month (newsletters!) and the girls helped me label the envelopes.

Cleaned off the run outside my door.

I always find this lighting beautiful.

I got Everly an old iPhone 6 that was Ann’s. I got a new heavy duty case and a screen protector. She preferred the pink case.

Cleaned all the birdbaths and filled feeders.

Brought my carnivorous plants inside. The temperatures are supposed to plummet this evening.

Most popular names 100 years ago.

Visitor in my garage.

Transported a squirrel. Dropped it off at Azalea.

We worked extra hard yesterday because a couple of my core students said they had other assignments today. With it being rainy, I didn’t expect anyone to need help.
Went to my office to check the mail and drop off the newsletter to be copied.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:25 pm
Not an exact color match, but close enough I reckon.

One Year Bible.

Unbelievably warm today.

New work week with the girls. Always a blessing.

Studied Spanish.

Foggy morning. I always find it cool.

Cloud beauty.


Everly and I did some coloring.

Then outside for bubbles!

I washed the driveway after using the bubble solution. I thought it was cool.

Everly helped.

Rained 1″ yesterday.

Homework at the mission.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps and send a friend a package.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Transition Position.”
Produced the newsletter and printed it out.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:06 pm
I enjoyed looking for these Elon Musk satellites. I once saw 48 satellites in a row!

Studied Spanish.

Brain Training.

One Year Bible.

I wrote my newsletter at Stone Mountain.

Recorded Verbal Surgery.

Good talk with my buddy Anthony.

Went to Ingels to pick up distilled water. Walmart has been out lately.

Then got my groceries at Walmart Pick Up.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil. It was drizzling so I blew off cleaning the windshield.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:58 pm
I enjoy reading articles about the brain.

From Biden’s inauguration speech.

Covid restrictions.

Interesting article about finding happiness based on activities that generate neurotransmitters.

Studied Spanish.

One Year Bible.

Brain training.

Ordered groceries.

Scrubbed my shoes.

Refilled feeders and birdbaths.

I thought this was interesting.

Went to Stone Mountain to make calls and record Verbal Surgery.
Talked to my Mom and to Anthony.

Research on the HSA at Bank of America. I want to get that set up tomorrow.

Beautiful day.

In my podcast I talked about getting things done. I put it into practice! Got all the equipment I needed to paint the primed boards on my roof.

I was glad I had a tarp I could use. I just unfolded it one level.

Depending on how it looks, I may need to go back and put a second coat, or paint the entire board the one exact color.
Copied the edition of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm
That’s a lot of money for a $1 lottery ticket.

Studied Spanish.

My One Year Bible study this morning from Genesis and Matthew.

Brain training.

Had a good talk with my buddy Anthony.
Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Tunnel Light.”
Beautiful day at Stone Mountain.

Good lunch!

Pared may nails.

Dropped off squirrel #151.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:17 pm
Biden’s early work.

Love my girls!

Studied Spanish.

I always enjoy watching the girls be creative.

Vacuumed the house while they were working with blocks.

I dropped off squirrel #150 today! That’s a lot of squirrels. Never seems to make that much of a difference, but I know that it must have some impact.

We went for ice cream. Yeah, baby.

Penelope was so precise.

Took the girls home, then over to my office to check on the mail. No donations today.
Watered my ficus.

Uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Tiny Signage.”
Audio excellence incarnate.

I got a notice from Google that an account had been hacked. Netflix had been compromised, apparently. So changed the password and notified all the users.

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