Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Español! Podcast! Stomach! 9.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 1:33 pm  

Really enjoying watching this!

Researching Guatemala.

Doing great in Español this week.


Cool and damp.

Picked up meds for J.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Love Gloves 2.”

Recorded “Extension Tension.” I’m three weeks ahead till release date.

Love my Sony PCM-M10. All digital in stereo.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Español! Orchids! 9.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:52 pm  

Sad about the Queen.


Español! I reported an issue to Duolingo this morning. It was in a unit on adverbs. The English version said, “He did the work bad,” rather than using the word “badly” which is the actual ADVERB! Bad is an adjective. Really made me shake my head.

J and I are having lunch with Ian North next Tuesday. I moved my time with Jon Paul to Wednesday instead. Thursday I’m having lunch with Everly’s Pre=K class. Looking forward to all of those interactions.

My big project for today was repotting five orchids. First, I set up my work station.

Then cleaned and trimmed the roots of each orchid.

Doing research on Guatemala and Lake Atitlán in particular. There’s so much good information on YouTube. I’m enjoying listening to travel hosts from Spanish speaking countries.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Guatemala Research! Bike! Azalea! 9.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

I liked these from a nurse who had seen many people tell their major regrets in life on their death bed.

I’m in the beginning stages of planing a safari to Guatemala. About half of the kids I work with are from there. Looking forward to seeing natural beauty and studying Spanish. Planning on Antigua and Lake Atitlan. Sometime next year, probably.



When I bike, I talk to myself in Spanish the whole time. I practice describing what I’m seeing or doing. I realized I didn’t know the word for “bumpy” nor “smooth.”

Hoping to have lunch with Jessi and Ian North soon. Making plans for that.

Rode my bike this morning. Felt great.

I stopped several times on my ride in order to get all the branches out of the way of the sidewalk.

Kathy went with me to Chamblee today. Checked the mail.

Picked up the girls.

Helped the kids with their homework. I usually start around 4pm. Was there till after 7pm.

Can you do this?

Downloaded the latest recording of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

My weekend was supposed to start today, but Miles texted me and said I may need to be there to get the girls tomorrow. Love the girls. Not crazy about burning all that gas and the extra time in the car.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Anthony! Bank! Podcast! Azalea! 9.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  


More weather calamities.

Sent a copy of my book to a friend who asked for it.


Español! Harry Potter and radio from Madrid.

Still dealing with mortgage issues. Hopefully, this means it’s squared away. Sent an email to my banker about it this morning.

Deposited checks.

Chatted with my buddy Anthony briefly. We talked a bit about things we’ve enjoyed watching.

I ate at the German Bakery today. So good. I thought this big boot glass was funny.

Checked the mail at my office.

Stopped by Walmart to pick up some mints.

Love my girls! Miles took Penelope to the dentist today. She did great!

Doing research about Guatemala. It’s the next place I want to travel to.

Looking at flights and places to stay. I enjoy the planning. Not in a big hurry to go.

Helped the kids at the mission. That includes mine!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Hinges and Levers.” So good.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Bills! Birds! Azalea! 9.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite presidents. I like this quote. Truer than ever today.

I find AI art absolutely fascinating.

I’m in the market for new sheets.


Watered my indoor garden.

Paid bills. Mailed them.


Tried to deposit checks, ATM wouldn’t do it.

Radio from Madrid.

Cleaned feeders.

Rained 1.5″ over the last couple of days.

Trying to get Jessi connected with a psychiatrist.

Dumpers to the curb.

Good talk with my Mom.

Went to my office to check the mail and my ficus tree.

Miles and I met the girls at the bus. He took Everly to the dentist to get some work done. She had two crowns put in. I know that was a lot of work for her.

I took Penelope over to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch.

Trying to figure out which doctors at the psychiatrist office takes our insurance.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Talked with my friend Michael Perez who lives in the Philippines. He’s having a really hard time paying medical bills there. Hope I can do a few things to help.

Picked up my groceries.

Put the dry dog food in my gorilla cart and put it in my bird food can.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Español! Anthony! Podcast! 9.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:52 pm  

Did well last week against the very hardest competitors. You have to make a lot of right answers really fast to do that well.

I went over 500,000 xp this morning. That represents a lot of work.

My sister keeps getting text messages like this. Incredible!

I liked this zoomed in view of the route I rode on my bike yesterday.

Cloudy today. No rain.

Had a fun talk with my buddy, Anthony in England.

We talk about Artificial Intelligence a lot. Here’s Tesla’s new super computer.

Listened to Radio Garden from Madrid.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Non-Personal.” It’ll release in about three weeks.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Español! Bike! 9.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:39 pm  

Come on, NASA! You can do it! Better to be patient, I reckon.

I’m enjoying the new Duolingo home page. I’ve been watching videos by their leaders about how they are speeding up language learning. They are using a prescribed path rather than a whatever you feel like doing approach.

Whatever keeps me studying, I’m for.



Cooler weather plus a rainy forecast got me motivated to ride my bike.

I’m amazed at how fast air leaks from the tires. Probably at least a pound a day of pressure.

Good ride of 12.23 miles. Any time I keep it above 9 mph I think I’m doing well. Definitely getting stronger. I’ve been working out on weights and doing setups every morning.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Español! Anthony! Clean Up! 9.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:21 pm  

I watched videos of AI discussing life. Artificial Intelligence is incredible. Between this and the genetic research we’re doing, I think we could be creating life.

Cooler day today.



Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony. We’ve been talking a lot about AI recently. Especially as AI relates to art.

Got a call from my friend Ann that she needed me to come get her from the hospital.

It was really horrible in her house. She has been pretty much confined to the couch where she sits. So everything in her house was rotting.

First thing I did was throw all the trash away and jettison everything that I could tell was stinking. That included her old couch that had blood vomit on it. Horrible smell.

Connected her printer.

Washed all the dishes and cleaned the sink area. Horrific. Swarms of flies.

From the outside, no one would ever suspect it was so bad inside. That’ll preach.

Came home and scrubbed the stain from a spilled cup of coffee. I used oxiclean, scrubbed it in, and then used a wet/dry vac to suck it up. I plan on cleaning the carpets soon, but first I generally deep scrub all the high traffic areas. I may do that tomorrow depending on how rainy it is and how my back feels from today’s chores.

Then I cleaned up the wet/dry vac.

Mileage log.

Got gas at Kroger. I need to put some thought into the fuel savings. Jimmy, Miles’ Dad, spoke really highly of it. He talked about getting gift cards from Kroger which would give him a $1.00 off per gallon. I have an account with them so I got .03 cents off from the price.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Repotting! Azalea! 9.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  

Warmer today.

Lot of competition this week.

Backyard and front yard cameras.

A friend got injured at a conference in London I was speaking at. I’m still involved with a lawsuit against the hotel where it was held.


I’m interested in art that is created by AI (Artificial Intelligence.) I thought this was an interesting take on it.


Talked to my banker at PNC about my mortgage.

Talked to a lawyer about Jessi’s situation.

Installed mini SD cards into my two security cameras.

Repotted two of my Nepenthes plants. Hope they do ok.

Had slightly over 1″ of rain yesterday.

Also repotted a small succulent.

Helped the kids at the mission.

I always save the bubble wrap from packages for the girls to stomp on. Makes a big POP!

Kathy came with me to Azalea today. She had a good time with the girls. We at Piccadilly on the way home.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Front Cam! Bike! Grandgirls! Azalea! 8.31.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:50 pm  

Duolingo continues to improve. They now have a specific “path” that students need to follow. I pretty much went through every lesson and did all five levels before going to a new unit, so not too much different for me.

The new Wyze Back Yard camera looked good last night, although I needed to trim some bushes, which I did this morning.

Trying to figure out which branches were flapping in front of the camera last night.

This morning, I set up the second camera to show the driveway and front yard.

It’s Supa coo that I can see the two camera’s view with my phone!

I ordered micro SD cards to install into the cameras so they can record.

One year ago today the PT Cruiser went bye bye. That means I’ve been driving the Mercury for over a year now.



Got a call from a disability lawyer this morning. Hopefully, he’ll be able to help Jessi.

Contacted another organization that helps with mental disabilities.

Had a good talk with my Mom.

Listened to radio from Madrid. It’s a change from Harry Potter. Lots of different people speaking super fast. It’s a good challenge.

Went to my office to check the mail and my ficus tree.

Got a call from a lady from one of our sponsoring churches.

Dumped the trash at the apartment. It was so heavy that the bag kept ripping. Took the whole trash can to the dumpster so I wouldn’t spread trash everywhere.

Repaired the back tube of Everly’s bike.

Worked on the bike inside the apartment with a fan blowing on me. Too hot outside.

Helped the kids at the mission. Lots of them.

LOVED the girls having their bangs pulled back! Amen.

They worked on Pre-K and 1st grade workbooks that I bought them.

Warm today.

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