Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Español! Red Thread! 8.20.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:51 pm  

Español. I spent hours studying today.

Cooler today.


We’ve been researching information on things that might help our sister.

Today was the first day I’ve been without my red thread in over seven years. It came off when Everly grabbed and pulled it by mistake. I wasn’t upset. I knew it was getting thin and assumed I wouldn’t be able to find it. At least I have it!

Helped K get some compression socks.

Enjoyed watching Guardians of the Galaxy this afternoon.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Español! 1000! Azalea! 8.19.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:26 pm  

Got a notice from a friend of mine and Apple that there are some security issues that Apple is facing and installed an update.

I will be on this rocket virtually! My name is on a USB Drive on it.



Took Jessi to her laser hair appointment.

I studied Spanish as well as organized my trunk. Took things to Ashley’s house as well as bringing the swimming things back to my house. Soon it will be time for the “winter store” in the back of my car. It’s not nearly as necessary any more since the girls don’t stay with me very much now.

Defrosted my fridge.

Went by my office to water my ficus and check the mail.

Poured down rain at Azalea.

Picked the girls up at the bus.

Fed the girls.

Miles got home pretty early. Went on home since we had finished all the homework for the week and everything was wet.

Listened to Cadena Ser radio from Madrid on the way home.

Took all the stuff from my trunk into my house. Also took off the bike rack. No real reason to have that on since the girls are in school and I ride around near why house.

I got my credit card bill and saw that the reservation I had made to Days Inn in Chattanooga had not been reimbursed. Called the reservation company, the hotel and Expedia. I’ll call tomorrow morning to talk with the manager at the hotel. If that doesn’t work, I’ll get in touch with my Credit Card people.

Released Verbal Surgery “Illegitimate Limitations.” Excellent!

Confirmed an appointment with the ENT doctor for Jessi for next week.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Anthony! Grandgirls! Mission! Podcast! 8.18.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm  

I enjoy looking at art created by an AI (Artificial Intelligence). Wonderful!


Español! Lots of days!

Anthony and I talked about AI art. Here’s one of the images he created.

Rose in my garden!

Sent a message to the Waste Pro guys to pick up the old TV. No-one buys those old analog TVs anymore. They’re super heavy.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Love Gloves.” I took the picture while I was at the German Bakery.

Had a good lunch at the Village Corner. Love that place.

The used tire I got a couple of days ago didn’t work well. Went back to get a brand new one. Most of the used ones I’ve gotten have been fine.

I get sick of these people sending me messages all the time about my house.


Picked up the girls at the bus. Enjoyed debriefing what was going on at school. Went to get them pizza.

Helped the kids with their homework. Part of it was doing prime factorization. I got a list of the prime numbers to 100 to help with that.

Picked up my groceries.

Downloaded the episode I recorded this morning onto my Mac Air.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Everly! Mission! K! 8.17.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:45 pm  



The tire I got yesterday is making a noise and slight vibration. I’m going back to my tire guy tomorrow to get a new one.

Went by T&G to pay for the repair to the gas vent. It was about $450. More than I was expecting. They put a new gas cap on, but I’m still smelling gas outside the car. Good news is no fumes come inside!

Ordered groceries.

Found K’s driver’s license. It was in her Bible in the car.

Picked up the girls at the bus!

Everly showed me the puzzle she and her family had put together.

Helped kids with their homework. This graphing stuff is hard. Have to figure it out all over again.

After they finished, I let a couple of the guys do some art.

I contacted my friend Rick about helping one of the kids I work with with her music theory assignments.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Housework! Tire! Bank! Azalea! 8.16.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Lovely day.


Packed my car with things I was taking to Good Will, in particular the high chairs and a lamp.

The gas cap is still smelling strong. I went to T&G to pay my bill and get the new cap, but they didn’t have it. I’ll go by tomorrow.


Took the box for my new TV and put it upstairs in the attic.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders. I try to do that about once a week.

Cleaned birdbaths.

Watered outside plants.

Took trash to the street. Super heavy due to the TV stand being in there.

Cleaned vacuum cleaner.

Raked my outside carpet.

Worked on St. Francis shrine.


Talked to my tire guy.

Took the stuff to Goodwill.

Talked to my Mom while I was driving to Chamblee.

Tried to explain to her how to do screen shots. Then sent her screen shots of how to do screen shots from the Apple website.

Got a good quality used tire to replace my front right for $48.

Looks good.

Tried to go to El Torerro to eat and found it closed. Not enough workers!

Went to my office to pick up mail. Processed it. That involves: opening envelope, signing check, alphabetizing them, taking pictures, and putting them in a big envelope in preparation for depositing them at the bank.

Harry! Just finished the first book. It wasn’t very long, only about five hours. Some of the later books are TWENTY-five hours!

Reading “Barking up the Wrong Tree” by Eric Barker.

I’m still working on the transition between Earn Up and PNC bank.

Bank to deposit checks.

Spent a little time looking at antiques. Didn’t find anything particularly riveting.

The scene continues to change across the street from Azalea.

Picked up the girls from the bus.

She’s official once she has her folder!

Had a LOT of homework today.

Didn’t leave the mission till around 7:00 PM. Had a good talk with Ashley before I left. Big changes on the horizon for her! All good!

Gassed up the car and added oil. Checked fluids.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Sharing is Daring.”

I actually recorded this over two years ago!

Monday, August 15, 2022

Cable Box! Remote! Water! 8.15.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:06 pm  

I did well in the Spanish leagues last week.

Research for a new front tire.


Worked on getting the TV/Cable box working today. The living room looks a lot better.


Took the boards I use of ramps back downstairs. The door bust in half trying to bear the load of that old TV.

After studying Spanish, I went to the Xfinity store to get a new cable box. This one is ready for 4K or at least HD TV.

Listening practice with Harry. I’ve also started watching Money Heist again is Spanish.

I went to the Snellville Walmart. The one near my house was out of distilled water. We need that for my plants and for K’s CPAP machine.

Had a good talk with my Mom this morning. Had to cut it short because I needed to concentrate on getting the new system working.

The remote control wasn’t pairing with the cable box. Had to get Comcast to walk me through the process. Fixed it! And now Kathy only needs one remote control. PTL.

Cleaned up the room where I had put the extra stuff that was in or on the old TV stand.

Set up an appointment with an ENT doctor for Jessi for next week.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Forbidden West on my new TV! Looks incredible. Such a beautiful game.

I liked this raccoon.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Kendalls! TVS on line! 8.14.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:00 pm  

New word this morning.




Great to see the family!

We used my Gorilla Cart to move my Sony TV upstairs.

My front left tire has the wear bar showing. Sent this picture to my tire guy so I’ll get a new one next week. (Actually, I’ll probably get a used one. About 1/3 the price and a lot of miles still left on it.)

I set up the Sony upstairs. Unfortunately, the cable box wasn’t putting out a HD signal. I was able to get it to work using RCA with an analog signal. Kathy can’t tell any difference. I’m going to Xfinity tomorrow to pick up a new cable box so I can get the best signal quality.

Had to call and text Xfinity to try and get it to work.

Stayed in the top 10.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Hinges and Levers.”

Saturday, August 13, 2022

TV Move Prep! 8.13.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm  



Nice weather!

Miles sent a text to our family about how trees can grow together. I gave him some examples from my yard.

This pair didn’t completely merge at the trunk because they’re different species.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Jets and Submarines.” Woosh!

Today’s big job was getting the place ready for my new TV and getting the room upstairs set up for my old TV. I took shots of all the connections. Really, it’s going to be super simple, just one HDMI cable. That’s it! The old days I had lots of RCA cables sending video and audio separately. HDMI will do way better when I’ve moved to my new Pioneer Ultra HD 4K TV. I still can’t get over getting this TV for $199!

I basically play everything through my PS4 and my Mac Air. I have a switch near my bed that I can change from one source to the other.

I moved everything off the area around the TV and put it on another table.

Cleaned all the cables before I use them upstairs. Actually, I won’t need any of the RCA cables. I’ll just use two HDMI cables.

The next big move was getting the old CRT TV and the stand that it’s in out of the house and move the furniture on the side to the middle. That’ll be the stand for the my old TV which is coming upstairs.

All this stuff got moved out. The TV was super heavy.

I threw one of the old VHS machines away. Who was going to need that?

Moved the TV and cabinet outside with my dolly. Indispensable really.

Once I got it outside, I was able to unscrew it and break it all apart.

I vacuumed after I moved all the stuff out.

Heavy work.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Grandgirls! Azalea! Bank! Podcast! 8.12.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:28 pm  

Watched a really weird but cool movie last night called “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.”



Went by my office to check the mail. Processed checks and got them ready to deposit.

One of the kids at the mission has me order books for him from time to time.

Miles was home early and picked the kids up with me.

I always enjoy Everly’s art.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework. Then we played a round of hangman. I try to just speak in Spanish when we’re playing.

I had two coolers and a water cooler at Azalea. Took them to FBC Doraville to clean them properly and put them back in my storage area.

I always make sure to secure the door to the Fellowship Hall before I leave.

Went to Kroger Pharmacy to pick up some meds for Jessi.

Deposited the checks I processed.

Scrubbed my hat. I have to do that regularly. Keep it looking good!

Released Verbal Surgery “Pound of Heroes.” It’s really good!

First week of school complete! I was amazed by how much homework they had!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Jon! Grandgirls! Mission! 8.11.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:58 pm  

About a month or so ago, my neighbor had some tree guys work on his yard. On their exit, they drove over my pink magnolia tree. I’m still dealing with the damage. I cut off another big branch that was dying last night.


Mild day.

Español! One of my kids told me “Your Spanish is getting much better, Mr. Tim.” That made me feel good.

I had lunch with my buddy Jon Paul this afternoon. Jessi and Kathy also came.

K and I met the girls at the bus.

Went to McD to get the girls some food.

Rain storms missed us today!

Helped the kids at the mission. Super busy which surprised me being the first week at school. 7th graders had some really hard homework on density, mass and volume. Always tricky.

Everly did some art. Good for practicing her pen holding skills.

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