Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Anthony! Grandgirls! Bank! 8.10.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:51 pm  

As a gift to myself for completion of the grandgirls watching job, I’m getting a new 4K TV! I’ve been doing research on the situation and was shocked to see that I could get a great Pioneer 50″ TV for $199! Wow! I’ll be moviing my old TV which I got back in 2008 to our living room.



Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony in England this morning. Always fun to chat with him.

Rained hard in Chamblee today. Whole day was cloudy.

Recorded “The Desire to Let Go” this morning at Stone Mountain.

Then went to lunch at the German Bakery. I get the veggie burger which was absolutely delicious. Best ever, really!

I liked this picture in the restaurant. Germany is a beautiful place!

I’m enjoying the book “Barking up the Wrong Tree” by Eric Barker.

Ordered groceries. I’ll pick them up this evening.

Went by the church to check the mail. Lots of checks. PTL! Signed and processed all of them.

Picked up the grandgirls at the bus. Interesting reflection.

I gave them the money that they had made from their little store we have during The Show with the teams. Big pile of $1 bills is fun!

They are a hoot!

Took them to Chick Fil A. Poured down on us when we got home.

The kids don’t have any homework yet, so after Miles got home I hit the road.

Deposited checks.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Doctor! Podcast! Grandgirls! Azalea! 8.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:46 pm  



Nice weather today.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Illegitimate Limitations” this morning.

Then took Jessi to the doctor for a wellness check. She’s doing great!

I liked the plants at the doctor’s office.

J and I called View Point Health to check on getting some legal help for disability for her.

We met the grandgirls at the bus. They had a fun day.

I always find these polypores interesting. They’re a type of mushroom.

I started the after-school program back up! Had a good crowd of kids. They didn’t have any home work, we practiced multiplication tables.

Big thunderstorms surrounded us.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Bank! Podcast! Crown! First Day! 8.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm  

Penelope and Everly started school today! Awesome!



Jessi and I went to the PNC bank today. I had to square away some details on the mortgage payment. Got it all figured out but it wasn’t easy, even for the bankers. I had to pay all of August today and near the end of the month I’ll pay for all of September THEN it should start working correctly with bi-weekly bank drafts.

I thought their lirope was lovely.

Dropped Jessi back home then went to Stone Mountain to record “A Pound of Heroes.”

Then to Tucker Family Dental to deal with the crown that kept falling off. Turned out I had to get fully numbed up and Dr. Jeon had to completely redo the base for the new crown. He said that I didn’t have to pay for this work. PTL!

They took my blood pressure which was a little high on the top end.

I had a good talk with my Mom this morning. Always fun!

Looks to be rainy for a while. Fantastic clouds this morning. Couldn’t find a good place to pull over in my car to shoot it.

Transported a squirrel.

Came home, made myself a sandwich and rested. The morning was pretty stressful. Glad to have it behind me. I have to go back in two weeks to get the permanent crown put on.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Hummingbirds! Podcast! Schedule! 8.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm  

I needed to hear this today.

Powerful thunderstorms last night.


Cooler morning.


Today while I was studying, a hummingbird flew right over to where I sit on the front porch, hovered in front of me, looked at me, then shot away. I decided I’d better go clean and refill their bottles.

I also cleaned and refilled all the bird baths and the suet cake. As you might be able to tell, I also scrape some on the base of the trees for the birds that don’t like to perch on a vertical surface, like doves.

My mailbox and post were getting a lot of algae on it. Scrubbed it off with Ajax and a sponge.

Looking good!

The vacant lot at the beginning of our subdivision was finally cut. I sent a letter to the county along with a neighbor friend of ours. The owner had to be fined before he did it.

I bought some used shirts for Kathy to wear to work. I took the sleeves off of one of the shirts to make it cooler for her. I cut right on the outside of the sleeve hem. Looked pretty good.

I’ve got to go back to the PNC bank to make sure everything is ok with debiting my account for my mortgage. It was supposed to be debited on the 1st. It still hasn’t been done, so I’ve got an appointment for tomorrow morning to make sure it’s ok.

Released Verbal Surgery -963- “The Marvelous Mouth.”

So good!

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Español! Podcast! 8.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:48 pm  


Repaired holes in my comforter.


I saw this weather forecast and decided I’d better mow the yard. I’ve been putting it off for weeks.

My machine is not running well. Probably needs a spark plug (which I have) and a new air filter. Since it still does the job, I’m uptight about messing with it and then it not running at all.

Super heavy and tall.

I actually did twice this amount of time. This was how long I mowed. I still picked up sticks, cut down a dead shrub and blew the driveway and deck.

As I was picking up sticks, I started having a lot of yellow jackets fly around me. Got the bug spray and sprayed the hell out of them.

This azalea died and another shrub was growing in its place. Cut everything down except for a little bit of the azalea that was still living and a volunteer willow oak. Not sure why the azalea died. It was a big one.

The corner looked really straggly.

The little oak should be pretty happy there.

There were a lot of cuttings.

Blew the driveway.

And the deck.

Showered, ate a sandwich and rested. That was some hard work.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Grandgirls! J! Keswick! Fernbank! 8.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:41 pm  

Today marks the end of a major chapter in my life. For over two years, I’ve been getting up early in the morning and meeting Ashley and the grandgirls at Global Mall and taking care of them all day long. As of Monday, they both start school! I’ll be there to pick them up from the bus stop at 2:30 PM. But the early mornings are officially over except for when there are school breaks.



Paid bills.

Some of Penelope’s art from yesterday.


Took the grandgirls over to Keswick park this morning. I picked them up at Azalea because Ashley wasn’t feeling well. I think she had the same thing I was dealing with all day on Wednesday.

We went by McDonalds to get some breakfast and ate it at my office at FBC Doraville.

Then to the park below the church.

Went back to my house to pick up Jessi. We’d been talking about going over to Fernbank today to see the T. Rex exhibit for weeks! Started out with lunch at El T. The girls and I just ate some chips and a bit of quesadilla. We were still full from breakfast.

Fernbank! Tyrannosaurs!

First time for the girls in a real movie theatre. IMAX! We watched a film about Ireland. It was ok.

Cool interactive exhibits for the kids at Fernbank.

Picked up some meds for Ashley.

Hot today!

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Grandgirls! Shopping! 8.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:00 pm  

I watched this movie a long time ago and saw a clip from it on Tic Toc today. I’ll watch that one again!



Picked up the girls at Global Mall.

After we found out that Everly got into her Pre-K class as well as Penelope in First Grade, that means, to more than a little sadness on my part, that tomorrow will be our last time together in the mornings. I’ll still be there for them when they get off the bus at Azalea at 2:40 PM. And I’ll be at the mission till probably around 6:30 PM helping kids with their homework.

We got gas at QT, cheapest I’ve seen.

Then to Walmart to pick up the school supplies that they couldn’t find earlier. Mainly pencil cases and water bottles. We got the pencil cases and a few other things like erasers, sharpeners, and note books. They didn’t have water bottles. Later, when we went to Azalea, we checked out the water bottle that Penelope hod gotten, it leaked really badly.

I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, to I picked up my groceries from Walmart this morning.

We went to Waffle House for breakfast. Practiced our writing.

We took a nap when we got home. Everly slept a couple of hours. I felt better after a little rest as well.

Cooler today.

I picked up the newsletters at my office and stuffed the envelopes. We got them in mail at the Chamblee Post Office.

Then to Azalea to see the backpacks the girls had gotten. After today, I think they have everything that they need. Amen. They got cool lunchboxes too!

Over to Taco Veloz for dinner.

We found some good water bottles at the Chamblee Walmart.

Harry on the way home.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Einstein! Español! Podcast! 8.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:00 pm  

I haven’t been feeling well today. Had a headache most of the day. Stopped up last night. Coughing. Pretty much stayed in bed all day.

I liked these quotes by Einstein.



Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Proquest.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Grandgirls! Pet Store! J! Bikes! 8.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:47 pm  

Ordered envelopes and batteries. Have to keep everything running smoothly. Ran out of envelopes with this month’s newsletters.


Got to Global Mall early. I usually study for about thirty minutes in the morning.

I’ve been in touch with another of my original youth group at Azalea. He recently lost his son who has been really sick his whole life. Helping with some of the financial burden of the burial.


My girls!

Ordered groceries.

I helped Jessi get her bloodwork done today. While we were waiting, the girls and I went on a tour of the pet store near by.

Felt hot today.

Took the girls home. Talked to some kids at the mission. I had a couple of bikes I gave away that a neighbor had given me. Organized and put the rest of the bikes up properly.

Went by the office to check the mail.

Harry Potter. It’s amazing how much more I’m getting this time around.

Mileage was pretty low this month. With gas prices so high, Miles having a gas account that helps him drive basically for free, and so few kids being out because of the heat, I’ve stayed local most days.

We’ve had a land speculator that has purchased a plot in our neighborhood but just lets it grow wild. We’ve reported him to the county. Hopefully, he’ll start getting it mowed regularly.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Podcast! Calls! 8.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:07 pm  

I was planning on getting a booster for Covid 19 soon. I think I’ll wait until September and see if I can get one with Omicron sub-variants included.

Talked with an Italian friend of mine.

Discussed this section of Two Roads by Robert Frost with Anthony.

I mentioned to him that he should watch this asap.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery, “The Marvelous Mouth.”

It was pretty warm in the car, but not too bad.


I read a piece of poetry by Rebecca Elson to a friend of mine. Decided to send it out to a group of friends.

I was thinking about calling a guy to come help me with the yard work. Don’t know why I’m resistant to the idea.


Had a great talk with my Mom. Always happy to do that.

I’ve decided to hold off on cutting the grass until the monkey grass finishes flowering.

Also chatted with my buddy Anthony. Never too much of that.

Started watching Breaking Bad. Powerful show.

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