Whirlwind Missions

Friday, June 10, 2022

Grandgirls! Slide! Español! Penelope! 6.10.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:01 pm  

Trump is such an evil man. I can’t get over all these reports.

Love my girls! I had such a fun time with them today.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Added the information to our spread sheet for donations.



Gorgeous day! Not too hot. Amen.

Washed my car. Had bird poop on it. Can’t stand that.

Dropped my bike off at the shop. I need a new front tire and the back tire has a flat. These guys do great work.

We went to the German Bakery for lunch. It was delicious.

Can you guess what this is? I was right! I asked Carl, who is the owner, and he told me that it indeed was a butter churn.

We had lemon squares for dessert. Penelope and her sugar lips.

Called my dentist to verify my appointment for Monday at noon. They’re supposed to put my crown back in. I doubt I’ll be chewing on the left side any time soon, since there’s still a gap there where the extraction was.

I had some water toys for the girls to play in. A Slip and Slide and a Vortex Sprinkler. they were fun, but a little too cool for them to really enjoy.

I got a big jug of oil today. I keep a quart in my car and fill it up as needed. I don’t like carrying that big ol’ heavy thing around. Penelope helped me hold the quart and the funnel. It’s really hard to do by myself. She’s always such a good helper.

My new wireless mic system came in today! I’m really excited about it. The drop outs and crackling of the other system I had was irritating me to no end. I’m a tech guy and that stuff drives me crazy.

I studied a lot today.

I went over to my sister-in-law’s house today. Her TV/Internet wasn’t working. I don’t like going over there. Her house is a disaster and super grosses me out. But, the fact is she has no one else to help her and this tech stuff was pretty complicated to figure out how to fix. I’m glad I got everything running again. I had to reset and restart three separate devices, plus redo the TV controls.

We got about .5″ of rain last night.

Ashley let us know that Penelope took a bad fall this evening. She hurt her front teeth. Miles said she’s ok. I think they went an emergency care doctor, but details are still vague.

Fills me with sadness and tears me up when I hear that.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Deep Spring! D-Day! Plaza Fiesta! Azalea! 6.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:36 pm  

The Republicans are just wrong about guns.

I had a lot of mic problems this week. It really drove me crazy. Decided to spend a little more money and get something decent. I wanted to keep it under $200.

I like this a lot. Seth Godin is one of my heroes.



Love my girls!

We went to Keswick Park, but it was too wet to play. Went to FBC Dorville Park instead.

We had our Dedication Day today! Gave the Hinkles the Golden Egg of Excellence!

It’s up to me!

Penelope participated in the whole week so she got to sign the Landing Pad!

Everly was pooped.

The girls sang us a song.

We ate at Plaza Fiesta then checked it out.

I always find the Botanicas interesting.

Ice cream cone!


I’m a big Frida Kahlo fan.

They did a great job at the mission!

They were a wonderful team! I’m so glad they came.


Everly loved making a crown. She especially liked telling people, “Bow before me.”

Sewed a button on my shirt and repaired a hole. Had a lot of little repairs this week.

I rarely unbutton my shirts completely. I just do the first couple and slip it over my head like a t-shirt. Faster.

I was super tired this week. I get up really early. Drive in super intense traffic. Give 100% during the show, which I now do by myself, then led teams for lunch and a Safari. Really takes it out of me. But a good tired.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Deep Spring! Al Madina & Global Mall! AZ & NP! 6.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:56 pm  

Straight talk.



Love my girls!

Moana breakfast.

Had a fun briefing with the team them took them to the Hibachi Grill for lunch.

We went to Al Madina and Global Mall.

Then to the missions!

Ashley made a great poster for our apartment manager.

Released Verbal Surgery “Rock Out!” Yeah, baby!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Español! Bank! Deep Spring! Asian Sq! China Town! 6.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm  


This looks interesting!


Took the girls to Waffle House this morning.

Picked up groceries.

Deposited checks and cash to ministry account.

Glad the rain left us alone today.

Set out the trash.

Cleaned one of our bathtubs.

Had a great time with my team from Deep Spring, TN.

Took the to eat at Pho 24, Vietnamese food.

Chinese pharmacy. Cobra in a jar!

CD Tower with Buddhist idols.

China Town!

To the missions! We worked at Azalea Place and New Peachtree.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Deep Spring BC! BHFM! Azalea! Storm! 6.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:53 pm  

Came in third place in the Diamond category (the highest level on Duolingo). I think that’s an achievement worthy of a mention. The top two scores were incredible.



Ashley and I had a great time with our team from Deep Spring BC in TN. So much fun to see my little girls in action again!

Of course the team loves Penelope and Everly!

I still got a few tricks up my sleeve.

Love my girls! They were great today.

Delicious lunch at the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Kissing the frozen pig head.

Everly joined in with the tradition. Penelope, not so much.

I like how the girls pick who they want to hang out with.

Penelope is getting so big. She was enjoying her favorite chocolate.

I have such a good time joking around with these kids.


Super cool. I’ve seen what looks like this with my raccoons. They don’t really use their eyes all that much. Mainly feel.

They team did a fantastic time at Azalea.

Super dark sky bore down on us. I looked at the radar, and gave us maybe five minutes before it just rained buckets. We had put everything up before it hit. Barely.

The streets were flooding.


I saw the gas prices on my way home and stopped to get it. About twenty cents cheaper than near my house.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Roof! Set up! 6.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  

Stoics! Marcus Aurelius FTW!

I look forward to seeing this.

We were in France on the 50th anniversary of D-Day. What a great time to be there!

Deposited checks and entered info into our data base.



I’ve had three of my shirts come unraveled in the same exact place. Maybe I just didn’t notice? Sewed them up all up securely.

I bought a couple of new water toys for the grandgirls to play in.

I’m getting access to Apple TV. I’m looking forward to watching this.

Beautiful day.

Watered my plants.

Cleaned all the birdbaths.

Cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders. I do that weekly or else the sugar water goes bad.


Watered the plants on the deck.

Blew off the roof and cleaned the gutters.

Gutters should work now. They were super clogged up. I had to let them dry out before I cleaned them.

Blew the deck off after I cleaned the roof, then sprayed it.

Blew the driveway.

My desk.

Paid bills.


Went to FBD Doraville to set up for the Show next week with our church from Tennessee.



The lights will be turned off and the spot lights and projection will be on.

Ashley came to help me. Amen for that. She cleaned up our storage closet. She’s such a blessing. I miss working with her every day so much.

Deposited checks on the way home.

Watered my inside plants.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Anthony! Podcast! 6.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:35 pm  

Sometimes languages can get pretty complicated. Pronouns are certainly one of the more challenging aspects of Spanish, because they don’t follow a pattern that sounds “right” to our ears.


Progress! Although I’ll have to finish the whole unit of lessons before I really have all those words memorized!


Gorgeous day with cooler weather in the morning.


I’ve really been enjoying this book.

Miles got an armrest to install into his new car. I included a new clicker for the girl’s TV in their room, plus some batteries: AA & AAA. Who doesn’t need more batteries? I practically have a store of them at my house.

I had such a fun conversation with my buddy, Anthony. He’s a blessing to me for sure.

Harry! I’m watching the 7th film of the series now. It’s fun to see a confirmation of the things I’ve been hearing in Spanish turn out to be correctly translated.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Non-Visible.”

So many things we take for granted that we really never see, like roots.

Recorded a new episode called “Direct Suggestion.” It’s really good. It will release a couple of weeks from now.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Grandgirls! Keswick Park! Video! 6.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:42 pm  

I don’t think anyone really believes this will ever end.

I couldn’t believe I actually had someone on Facebook change their mind from a post I wrote.
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Know the difference? It’s something I’ll be working on with the grandgirls.

I want to get a computer running with this for the girls to use.



Beautiful clouds this morning.

I was at Azalea around 7AM this morning to help Ashley get to an early morning training she had. Enjoyed being with the girls! Took them to Waffle House.

Then to Keswick Park.

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I’m always creating obstacle courses for them.

Counting steps!

They had fun “surfing.”

I’m training them to recognize Poison Ivy. Here are some pictures. Which ones do you think are Poison Ivy. Some of them are pretty tricky.




(Only #2!)

While we were at the park, I met a lady from Brazil! She told me about where she lives. Sounds very different from the parts I visited.

Message from NASA.


We stayed in Chamblee today. Miles came home early. He could finish his work at home.

I went to my office to record and produce a video for the church that’s coming next week to work with us.

They liked it!

Checked the mail. Processed the checks. I’ll deposit them tomorrow.

Another new English word.


I found a hole in one of my shirts this morning. I wore it anyway since it wasn’t noticeable. Repaired it this evening.

I worked on the tickets for our trip to Texas in July. I changed the dates around the teams coming and managed to get some pretty good prices. Turned out to only be an increase of $40 for the changes. I really like Southwest’s attitude!

I worked on it with my Mac and talked to my Mom at the same time on my iPhone.

Changed some information on out spreadsheet for the teams.

Summer Schedule. Wish we had more teams, but it is what it is. Getting better!

I study off and on all day long when I have a chance.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Grandgirls! Evergreen! Bank! 6.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:23 pm  

I like these UFO shows.



Transported a squirrel.

Love my girls!


I saw a turtle crossing the road. Stopped to show the girls.

Deposited a check.

Moana breakfast. All fruit!

Took the girls for a swim.

Penelope and I worked on sight words and her 1st grade workbook.

It’s my best friend’s daughter’s birthday today. I’m glad Amazon has a way to send a gift. She turned 20!

Penelope enjoyed going through her sight words with her Dad. Super cute to see them together.



Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Grandgirls! Goblin Park! Newsletters! 6.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:14 pm  

I thought this was a terrific movie.

Processed a check and added it to Drive. I’ll deposit it tomorrow morning after picking up the girls.

They finally figured out the problem with Kathy’s car windows. Turned out to be shorted wires. It was hard to find the problem. Ended up costing $500.


New word for me.


Ashley and Miles got some new recliners from the Kendalls. Groovy!

Took the grandgirls to Keswick Park in Chamlbee this morning. It was delightful. Lots of shade which is really rare for parks. The only other one with that much shade is in Stone Mountain Park.

I liked seeing these.

Penelope’s slurpy.

While I worked on stuffing and stamping the newsletters, the girls played in my office and did art for me. We worked on the project at my office.

We stopped at the Post Office to get the letters in the mail.

We ate at the German Bakery for lunch. It was really good. I noticed this picture of Clint Eastwood on the wall! He turned 92 yesterday!

I delayed my appointment to get my crown replaced for another ten days. My gums are still pretty swollen. I didn’t think it would work tomorrow.

I work on Spanish throughout the day whenever I have a break. Better than just scrolling social media.

Penelope and I worked on her sight words. Always good to keep practicing!


I was glad he won this. I didn’t like Amber.

I forgot what this meant.

Talked to my bike guys about my flat tire and replacing my front tire which has dry rot. The new tire should be in next week.

Working on changing our trip to Texas to late June and early July. There was a team coming on one of the days for our previous plans. Costs more to go in July. About $644 extra in total for the four of us going. Southwest doesn’t have any fee to change plans, just costs more then.

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