Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Bank! Car! Dentist! Azalea! Podcast! 10.11.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:30 pm  



Went to PNC bank first thing this morning to get the mortgage payments squared away. I’ll still have to make one more payment in person, and then it should be automated to the bi-weekly payment system.

Beautiful day!

This was dried mud. Weird. Looks like fabric.

Went to T&G to pay off the brake job and oil change for the Mercury.

Trimmed some bushes in my front yard.

Called my tree guy to come take a look at a couple of tree limbs that need to be cut before they land on my roof.

Took Jessi to the dentist to get her cleaning.

Paid bills.

Listened to radio from Madrid and some Harry Potter.

Read an article on Merrick Garland. Learned some new words and others I needed clarification about.

Got food from Taco Veloz from the girls and enjoyed playing with them.

Helped the kids at the mission. Wasn’t too much homework today, which surprised me.

Everly and I liked these leaves.

Checked mail at my office. Processed checks and deposited them.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Dawn and Sunrise.” So good!

Monday, October 10, 2022

Español! Anthony! Podcast! Bike! Car! 10.10.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:33 pm  

Came in #1 last week on Duolingo. It’s the hardest competition with the best students.

I thought this article was interesting on what people keep secret.


I dropped my car off last night for an oil change. Turned out it also needed a brake job. I thought that might be possible because it had a slight vibration whenever I applied the brakes. Running great now. Amen.

Had a fun chat with my buddy Anthony.

Beautiful weather.

Terrific bike ride. I’m really getting stronger.

Got a package in for Ashley.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Puzzle Pieces.” Excellent.

Set up an appointment to pay my mortgage with a check. Soon it will be back to auto debit. It’s been a real hassle to change over to the bank from the third party I’ve been using for the last five years. This will be the fifth time I’ve had to go in.

Getting ready to go pick up my groceries in a few minutes. Gotta eat.

I’ll also get gas and check the fluids while I’m at Walmart.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Podcast! Anthony! Bank! Cars! 10.9.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:23 pm  

I thought this was an interesting take on therapy.

How to develop more awe in your life.

A great article on one of my favorite artists: MC Escher.


Glad I have all my plants in. Got in the 40s last night.


Watered my inside garden.

Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony!

Ordered groceries.

Swept kitchen and some of the living room where leaf matter had gotten in.

Signed up for AI art Dalle. Still trying to get the 2nd version.

Dropped off my car at T&G to get oil change and other levels checked.

K and I went to the bank to get some money from her account and put it into mine. I’m paying two big bills within a couple of weeks of each other.

Checked K’s oil level in her truck. Looked fine.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery call “The Solution is the Problem” and downloaded it onto my Mac Air.

Enjoyed watching Andor and the last of Thor Love and Thunder

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Plants! Roof! Bike! Podcast! 10.8.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:03 pm  

Helped my Mom get her tix to come and visit us in Atlanta.



I collect gallon jugs for my neighbor who is a teacher.

Got all my plants inside for the winter months. It was a hard job.

Used a dolly and my table for a ramp.

Cleaned up my room after I got them in.

Took some of my carnivorous plants outside for their dormancy period. I bring them in if it looks like it’s going to freeze.

Also brought the plants on the deck inside.

J had brought in a couple of the heaviest ones already.

J and I had a discussion about whether goldfish were a type of carp.

Cleaned off the roof and gutters. Not too hard because I cleared the leaves off before they got wet.


Also cleared off the deck and driveway.

Big job.

Cleaned my St. Francis shrine and my back carpet area.

New favorite song.

Pumped up my tires and went for a 10.38 mile bike ride.


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Strategic Synergy.”

Friday, October 7, 2022

Grandgirls! K! Zoo! Bank! 10.7.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:37 pm  

I’m so glad Georgia is still green. Amen.



K and I picked up the girls early at Azalea and took them to Waffle House.

Beautiful day at the zoo!

Parking requires typing in your license plate. Do you know yours? I don’t.

We all enjoy looking at the animals. That includes young humans.

Went to my office, processed checks and deposited them.

Called T&G about getting my oil changed on Monday morning.

Blew off the garage, driveway and deck.

Tired. Didn’t get much sleep last night.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Bills! Anthony! Grandgirls/K! Azalea! Plants! ISS! 10.6.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:36 pm  



Paid bills and got them in the mail.

Cleaned spiderwebs off the porch and garage ceilings. They were out of control.

Fun talk with Anthony.

K came with me to Chamblee. We ate at the Buford Highway Farmers Market and got food for the girls. Fed them and went to DQ to get everyone ice cream.

Took the trash out at the mission.

Helped the kids.

Started exercising again this month.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Checked the mail at my office.

Moved my plants in the front yard to near my door in the back. Watered them. Getting them ready to bring back inside for the winter months.

Cleaned and refilled birdbaths.

Got a message from NASA this morning.

Saw the ISS for the 78th time this evening.

Our neighbors have a big, scary spider decoration.

K and I will be up early tomorrow morning to go to Azalea to meet the girls at 8 AM. We plan on going to breakfast and them to Zoo Atlanta as their first part of the Fall Break.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Everly! Azalea! 10.5.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Assesment of the Ukraine/Russia situation.



Everly stayed home from school because she wasn’t feeling well. Doctor said she had to go 24 hours without a temperature before going back to school. Got to Azalea around 8AM. Heavy traffic.

She wanted this Play-Doh tooth set which I thought was hilarious.

Working hard on Spanish.

Penelope will be playing on a soccer team soon. She’s very quick and seems to have good ball handling skills.

Gorgeous sunset.

Moon beauty.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Español! Bank! Azalea! 10.4.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  



Washed the bedding from our guest and made the bed.

Cleaned the birdbaths and filled the feeders.

Swept my outside carpet.

Cleaned St. Francis shrine.

Listened to Spanish from Spain.

Watered my indoor plants.

Deposited checks. Added them to our spreadsheet.

Confirmed lunch with my buddy Phil soon.

Studying cell structures.

Helped the kids at the mission.


Went by my office to check the mail.

Talked to my Mom on the way home.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Michelange! Car! Kitchens! Airport! Everly! AZ! 9.2-3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:00 am  

I hope Bolisinaro loses.

No surprise.


I think genealogy is cool.

Had some challenge getting the internet on my TV working. Finally got it to connect to my wifi extender.



Watered my plants outside.

Blew the garage and driveway.

K and I ate lunch at China Delight on Sunday. We saw Phil and Myra Kitchens while we were there. Hope to reestablish a friendship with them. We’ve known them for over 25 years. We met while studying French in Tours, France.

Beautiful weather.

Had a fun talk with my buddy, Michelange in Paris.

Got a new Stone Mountain sticker. I go out there all the time.

Rode my bike 13.10 miles.

Washed my car.

Came in #1 in the Duolingo leagues last week.

I like the girl’s pumpkins.

Called Walmart due to having problems getting my groceries on Sunday evening.

After going to the airport, I went straight to Azalea. While I was there, I heard crying at the door. Miles had gone to Huntley Hills to pick up Everly. She was really suffering with an earache. We gave her some ibuprofen and she felt better soon. I cried it made me so sad to see her in pain.


Helped the kids at the mission. Big group.

Gassed up car and checked fluids.

Picked up groceries.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery early Tuesday morning (10.4). “Extension Tension.” is awesome!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Newsletters! Post Office! Bike! 10.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:46 pm  



Trying to get some fungicide mixed up for J’s sweet potato plant. Sadly, the mixing directions weren’t on the bottle! I finally figured it out, I think!

Got all the newsletters done last night. Went to the post office to get them in the mail. Needed to check on the times.

Looks like I’ll have some early days next Friday and Monday for the girls Fall Break. Holidays for them don’t equal holidays for me.

Beautiful day, but so windy!

Went for a 13.06 mile bike ride. Put air in my tire before I took off. The wind made it hard to ride.

I continue to dominate this group in the tournament.

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