Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Walk! PEK! Azalea! 2.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:05 pm  

I just found out that the big Chinese New Year is this Saturday! I have a team in town so it’s really great timing.


Colder today.

EspaƱol! I studied an extra long time today. Walked 3.47 miles 24 hills.

Added transmission fluid. It needs about 1 fl oz of Merkon transmission fluid after every time I drive to Chamblee.

Brought the trash bins back up to the side of the house.

Went by Young World to pick up Kathy’s pillow and a library book.

Picked up food for J.

Went to the Post Office. K wrote twenty Thank You notes to our supporters. I got stamps for them and got the letters in the mail stream.

Went to the bank to deposit money. Actually walked up to an ATM. I hardly ever do that. I use the drive up ATMs. It feels safer to me.

K and I took the girls out to Waffle House.

Washed and dried J’s comforter. Brought detergent in a ziplock.

Helped the kids with their homework. The girls have really enjoyed having Grandma there. She gives them a lot of attention and she’s a great teacher.

Fun with friends.

The light was perfect. Love my girls!

Watered my plants.

Push. Feed the neurons.