Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pastor Mark Hearn and Uncle Tom! Christmas! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm  

This morning Jesse and I met up with one of my favorite people in the world, my “Uncle” Tom Jones! I grew up with him and his family in Nairobi, Kenya and even though we are not truly blood kin, he’s closer to me than many of my extended family genetically!

Mark Hearn is the new pastor at First Baptist Church Duluth. This church has been a great partner for many years and I’m praying that Pastor Mark will take them to a whole new level!
We met at one of my favorite places: Global Mall. It’s the Indian center for Atlanta. They have great food (a draw for sure) with really cool and interesting shops.

Jesse is interested in precious metals and they have a really cool gold store there. It’s neat to see gold bullion!

Mark, Tom, Jesse and I ate some curry then went to the Hindu Temple in the mall. We had a good talk with their senior Pastor. He was interested in Mark being a Pastor from a major local church.
I pray that Pastor Mark will have a big impact on this community!
I also took them to Madina which is a halal, Muslim centered grocery store.

I introduced them to Abdul, a good friend for over ten years. Abdul is always interested in sharing his Muslim perspective with friends of mine that I bring to his store. I think it’s good to actually meet with people from other religions in order to build mutual respect and friendships. It’s all about BRIDGES!
J and I went to the the office to pick up another big pile of Christmas in August boxes full of school supplies and toys for the kids at the missions.

That’s been great! Today’s boxes came from three states! I think it’s cool that kids from around the country are interested in our work and helping other kids!

Sure was glad to have Jesse help me load the boxes.

We also went by to Bayo’s mission at Huntington Terraces to help him with his computers for the kids. Another thanks to J!

J and I helped our kids at the missions. Several hours of doing homework and hearing, “Mr. Tim, Mr. Tim, I need help!” over and over again gets exhausting. But fulfilling too!


Although today was my day scheduled to run, just too tired.

Admin duties now, then looking forward to the summer finale of Psyche . . . one of my favorite shows!

I’m still on the fence as to whether donuts should have green icing.

And on the subject of “Things I Need Only Try Once” Betel Nut. Wasn’t bad, but wouldn’t say I’m rushing to get more. The Indian folks believe it’ll help digestion. Pastor Mark wondered, “Does that mean you need to stay close to the bathroom?”