Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WOM! Halal Pizza! Refugee Sewing Society! Azalea!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  

This morning we got up bright and early and went to Smokerise Baptist Church for their Women on Mission group.


We prayed with the ladies and talked to them a little while before heading over to Clarkston: the Muslim center of the whole Southeast!

I took them over to one of my favorite market areas to introduce them to the Muslim world. I have a restaurant called Halal Pizza where all the Muslim men hang out, drink coffee and eat samosas.

As Dad was walking up to the place, he caught his foot on the curb and fell! You might remember he fell yesterday too. He’s OK, but after two falls in two days he’s pretty banged up. Pray for him.

Tomorrow I’ll leave him at the hotel to soak in the hot tub and try and heal up before going to the mission with Ashley in the afternoon.

Dad and I enjoyed speaking with the men at Halal Pizza, many of whom speak Swahili. That’s always a treat for me, since I don’t get to speak Swahili very often.


I enjoyed my mandazi and chai!
The ladies enjoyed shopping at the market place and seeing all the goodies.


Then we went over to Northlake Church of Christ which kindly donates space to the Refugee Sewing Society. Cathy Palmer is the leader of that group and is doing terrific work with the ladies!

She’s a life long friend and I’m so glad that she’s working with the refugees in our area!

Of course Cathy thinks of my parents like of do of hers: extended family! So it was great for her to see my folks too!
It was really cool to meet many of the ladies that Cathy Palmer works with and see the beautiful things that they make!

We ate lunch at Piccadilly. I figured it was a good idea to eat regular “white people” food since we were going on a marathon eating spree with the Bengali ladies at Azalea this evening.

We had a short rest then headed over to Chamblee where we helped the kids at Azalea with their homework. I’ve been helping the older girls and their homework is really hard.

Especially the biology and the math. 9th grade is definitely harder than 5th grade!


The kids have really enjoyed the dry erase markers!

I worked several hours with the kids before enjoying the delicious food and fellowship with our Bengali ladies at Azalea.


We even had a fashion show where one of the ladies showed us her man saris. Beautiful!

One of our team, Katherine Taylor, tried a sari on for size!

Got home around 10pm. Time to start my homework! I need to get some rest since I head out tomorrow for Alpharetta with the ladies to go talk to the new missionaries at the North American Mission Board.

I liked this bumper sticker.

And one that I had to scratch my head over.