Whirlwind Missions

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cummins Texas Team!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:44 pm  

Had a wonderful day today!

Worked on a new podcast!


Love Glasses!
Check it out!

My parents are in town! And two other sweet ladies came with them from FBC Georgetown, TX. Al and Peggy Cummins & Sue Mansfield and Katharine Taylor are a super team!

They made it safely to Atlanta, although my Dad took a fall getting out of the shuttle bus in Austin. He got a bit banged up. Pray that he’ll feel ok tomorrow and for the rest of the week! He’s got some bruises on his leg and a couple of fingers on his hand got jammed and are pretty swollen. I’m sure he’ll be sore tomorrow.
I picked them up from the airport (the busiest in the world! Even has dinosaurs!)and took them to a late lunch at 6 Feet Under, one of the best fish places in Atlanta. The name derives from Oakland Cemetery which is directly across from the restaurant. Margaret Mitchell is buried there.

I brought them back to Stone Mountain to their hotel and got them checked in, then over to Azalea to help the kids with their homework.


The girls had fun drawing with the new marker boards I brought. They drew pictures of the three ladies helping me!

Kathy also took them around to the visit with the Bengali ladies that they’ll be working with. They really enjoyed that too.

They also got a kick out of watching Bengali TV!

We came home around 9:30pm and I checked on Dad. He’s doing well, but got some scrapes and bruises. He said he rested well while we went into Chamblee with the rest of the team.