Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm  

Had a fun family day today!  Ashley and Miles came with Kathy and I over to Walmart to pick up some stuff we needed at the house.  Primarily bird seed.  You like watching birds?  I go over to my house every day to fill up the feeders I have.  The birds and squirrels are really tame with me, especially the chipmunks.  I’ll have them actually crawl right beside my legs!  I guess I’ve been feeding them for several generations now so they don’t see me as a threat.  I’m just another part of the forest.

We got to see our dog Sugar today too!  She’s really a neighborhood dog and many of the kids and parents really love her.  We have one of our neighbors watching her while we’re staying at the Lamb’s house.  It was good to see her.  Sometimes we go over there but she’s inside our neighbor’s house so we don’t get to see her.  She’s her usually sweet ol’ self.  She’ll throw herself down on her back like, “Here’s my belly, what are you waiting for?”

Also went by Best Buy today.  I needed to get a couple more pieces of software to complete what I need for my new computer.  I do a lot of video editing and I got the new version of Studio Plus by Pinnacle.  I’m looking forward to editing some of the video I shot recently for a promo video we’re doing for First Baptist Mountain Park.  I shot a lot at Ashley’s mission at Kensington Station as well as with Bennett Ekandem and his mission at Willow Branch.

It was super cold today.  Around 21 degree wind chill.  We actually had snow flurries.  Something’s not right when we get snow in March!

Kathy took me to see 10,000 BC today.  I really enjoy movies and I liked this one a lot.  Big movie with wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers.  Sweet.

We just got back from seeing Jesse at the Detention Center.  He’s doing a LOT better. He was talking about his psychotic episode and seeing it for what it was.  I believe the first step towards healing is knowing that you have a problem!  Keep praying for Jesse and that we can get him into the Peachford Hospital really soon.  He’s doing better and seems to be pretty happy!  There aren’t any convicted felons where he’s at.  All of them have only been charged, so I think that everyone is really on their best behavior.  They have too much to lose otherwise.  Mail really does help him feel better, so if you’re concerned for me–drop him a note too!  Jesse Cummins–9935-7554, Gwinett Detention Center, 2900 University Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30043.

I’m looking forward to preaching at Sweetwater Baptist Church in Lawrenceville tomorrow.  I’m doing my regular mission presentation plus preaching from Isaiah 6–Send me!

Love you guys!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:52 am  

I had another Ashley day today!  And her boyfriend Miles came with us.  A double blessing!

We mailed some letters including my daily letter to Jesse first thing this morning.  I’d appreciate it if you’d drop him a note of encouragement too.  He’s at Jesse Cummins, ID 9935 7554, Gwinnett County Detention, 2900 University Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30043.  Keep praying for him.  He needs a miracle and God is still in the miracle working business!

We went by FBC Doraville to check on the mail and make sure everything is ok at the office.

Then over to Peachford Hospital.  I’m trying to arrange it so he can be transferred over to their hospital from the detention center.  I need to figure out how much our insurance will cover this sort of situation.  I’m always scared that they’re going to pump him full of drugs and not really help him with his problem.  If he gets in there we can only see him four times a week for an hour each time, which I think is kind of weird.  Pray for that situation too.

We stopped by Guitar Center to pick up a Djembe for our church partners at Stone Mill church.  It’s just a small gift to help them with their ministry.  Lester Ruiz’ wife Nadia helps with the music and she’s been playing different percussion instruments.  A djembe is sort of like a small conga.  It’s got a great tone and I believe it will be used to give God glory!

I ran four miles today.  That’s the first time I’ve run in about 2 weeks since my burns and my cold.  My left knee hurts now.  That’s pretty normal for me when I’ve laid off exercise and jump straight back in.  I’ve lost about 15 pounds since the fire.  Not a great way to diet, but seems to be pretty effective.  Grief and pain is a powerful combination.

This evening we had some fun family time with the Lamb family.  I enjoyed shooting pool with Edwin and his son Kevin.  Kathy played cards with Debbie and the daughters and daughter in law.  She seemed like she had a good time.

I just caught up on my email and my blog.  Then I’ll watch the last of an episode of House with Kathy before I crash out.

We hope to be able to see Jesse tomorrow.  Please pray that that will be possible.

Sure love you guys!