Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:58 pm  

Thursday! Ashley Day! I really enjoy having my sweet Ashley Angel riding with me!ash1ash2

I’m not sure if you read Ashley’s blog, but you should! The shots yesterday at her Easter party were awesome. I especially liked the shots of the kids on the floor reenacting the crucifixion. Very powerful stuff.

We started out at Lowes this morning getting more white trim paint. Seems like I’ve spent HOURS at Lowes this week. There’s always some little thing we still need to get. My guess is that before it’s all said and done I’ll spend more time there next week. I had a good talk with the manager at Huntington Ridge this afternoon. Looks like everything will come together before the Palmers arrive next Friday. They’re coming in for a weekend visit. Pray that they’ll be able to get everything that they need done completed.salado3salado5salado4

My team from FBC Salado, Texas did SUCH a great job at the apartment. It really does look like a different place. They put their hearts and souls into the job, plus a LOT of elbow grease! They were a blessing to the kids and parents at the apartment complex and their Bible story today was exceptionally good. I was really impressed that they did a Spanish version of the visual aids so the Mothers could participate.salado1salado2

Ashley shot pictures for me while I manned the video camera. I need to load the editing program on my new computer and figure it out before I put what I shot on line. Pray that that will go smoothly! New programs seem to always be loaded with stuff you really don’t need as well as making it more needlessly complicated. Have you noticed that, or is it just me?

Ashley and I got back to Stone Mountain and we went over to the KG store so I could pick out a new suit. It’s charcoal gray. One of my favorite families gave me some money to buy me another one. My old one really smells of smoke even after the expensive dry cleaning procedures. It’s hanging out side under a tree right now. I figure in a week in the sun SURELY the smell will be gone and I’ll get it dry cleaned again. What a stinky hassle. Ashley also helped me pick out some new shoes! All black and shiny!shoes1

I went for a 4 mile run this afternoon. K rode her bike around twice while I finished one lap. 4 miles seems plenty to me! I’m still sore from working out on weights a couple of days ago. All that pain. . . surely I’m doing something right! At least my runs don’t hurt! And I haven’t had a headache in two days. PTL for that too. I was eating Tylenol like candy.

This evening K and I went over to visit with Roxy Kendall–Ashley’s boyfriend Miles’ sister–had her baby two days ago. Her baby is named Isabella and is just gorgeous! I got out my camera to take a picture and my camera didn’t work. What? Then I remembered I’d taken the battery out to charge it up. Brilliant! You’ll just have to imagine a really, beautiful dark haired baby. Congratulations to Roxy and John!

Ash and I also bought Miles a new hat. Cute couple, eh?ash miles

We didn’t catch a coyote–but we did get a possum in our live trap last night. Edwin just let it out of the cage. Did you know that the opossum is the only relative to the Kangaroo we have in America? They’re pretty cool. I’m glad we can let the animals go. Coyotes will have to be taken care of by the county animal control because they kill pets and carry rabies.

Pray for our family!

Love you guys!