Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:50 pm  

Ashley day today! My daughter ROCKS!

I spent most of the morning working on admin stuff at my office at the Lamb’s house. Always something. Email, phone calls with teams coming in . . . good thing I love what I do. It’s nearly midnight now, and I’m back at the computer working on admin stuff. It’s a way of life, baby!

My trusty Canon 600 is finally being retired. I’ve been having problems with it over the last month or so. Kept going into video mode when I was shooting pictures and the zoom was acting weird. So I’ve upgraded to the SD 750. I took over 15,000 pictures with my last camera! Surprisingly, the first pictures I took with it were of ME! Ever seen me with glasses? I use them for close up work. tim pix Lord, may this new camera serve YOU!

Ash and I went to Northlake Mall for lunch and to spend a little time looking for clothes for her. ash1ash2 Most of her stuff was badly smoke damaged. We got them clean (thanks to Kathy’s brothers and sisters!) but especially the light colored stuff still looks a bit off. Hopefully they’ll get better each time they’re washed. Ashley’s a really good shopper and very cost conscious so I think it’s a good investment for her. Sort of like me buying computer programming books for Jesse.

I’m really sad that I can’t see him every day. It gives me a heavy heart. Pray that God will work it out for us to get him into Peachford Hospital asap.

We spent most of the afternoon at Azalea working with the kids at the missions. We went to check on Jemillin who is one of my favorite little girls. She’s like another daughter to me. I spent time helping her with her homework and going over their practice tests for the CRCT (whatever that is.) We also helped a couple of the Bengali kids.

I enjoyed hanging out with the boys too! They were having a good game of soccer. They are some sweetheart kids. It’s hard for me to believe how fast they’re growing up.soccer1soccer2

It was also fun to spend time with the Lamb family this evening. I call them the “Lambs of God.” They sure have been kind to us!lamb1lamb2lamb3lamb4Lamb5Lamb6Lamb6

We also went over to the baseball field to meet up with Jessica, one of Ashley’s dearest and long term friends. She has a beautiful 6 month old baby named Tyler. Kathy really enjoys babies!jessicatyler

Love you guys!