Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm
I finished all the Christmas mail out yesterday, so today I enjoyed just resting!
I’m glad it rained. We sure need it.

Last night we went to the airport to pick up Miles and Ashley. They had a great trip! She took over 1,000 pictures. That’s my girl!

Kathy and I went to Target and walked about 2.5 miles. Not too crowded. Not good for going outside.

We also went to see Transporter 3. I think Jason Statham is one of the best action heroes.

Some great stunt work including driving a car on top of a moving train. Sweet. Even Kathy liked it.
Fun day.
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:31 pm
I had a fun day yesterday and even better today!
Yesterday Neal Reddy and I went to the Central Precinct Apartment Managers meeting at the Dekalb County Police HQ.

There was some interesting info presented by the heads of Burglary, Homicide, the CIP unit. Bottom line, be careful! Lots of crime out there and getting worse because of the soft economy.
So make sure you don’t leave stuff in plain sight, in particular when you park at the malls.
Also had a meeting with two of the Bhutanese/Nepali pastors.

I’m going to help them find where the other Bhutanese live and train some leaders. I’ll also help Santi get through the process of becoming a missionary with the North American Mission Board.
Interesting clouds yesterday. Note the rainbow colors in the tiny ice crystals that make up this cloud formation.

Jesse helped me finish up the newsletters. I still have some gifts I’m making that we’ll put in the envelopes and I’ll mail out tomorrow.
Today we had four of Kathy’s brothers and sisters come over to our house for lunch.
Bill brought his girlfriend Deborah with him. I always enjoy hanging out with the family.

They are always a lively group. I’m glad we could spend the time together. They hadn’t seen our house since it had been redone after the fire. Hard to believe we’ve already been back four months!
I ran 4 miles yesterday. Kathy just left for a bike ride. Resting today.
Tim A. Cummins @ 11:19 pm
Jesse and I had a terrific day!
His morning I went over to Staples to make my copies for this month’s newsletter.

We went to Dekalb United Pentecostal Church where we met with my partner Jose Leos. He wanted to check out an apartment complex that had a large Latino population. We met him at the church and I had the chance to share with Pastor Wideman. He seems to really want to get his congregation involved. That’s what I do, so I’m excited about the partnership.
Jose and J and I went over to Colony of Stone Mountain off of Central Avenue.

We got to talk with the manager and drop off a bunch of little fliers for people to pick up if they want to have English as a Second Language classes..
The manager let us know that they have a club house and that it just had a grand opening last month. They invited Pastor Leos to help teach classes. She told me about Ruth Samples who is the person who is heading up the after school program and runs the clubhouse. Ruth was SO excited that we wanted to help.

She also talked to us about one of the leasing agents named Josh. Apparently, he’s a great musician and helps with the Spanish churches in the area. Really an incredible morning.
After we left Colony apartments we met up with Heidi G. She works as an editor and is part of New Life church. She’s a MK raised in Zimbabwe. She’s particularly interested in working with Muslims. Heidi also works in the Mommy and Me program that Kathy works at in Clarkston. I enjoyed meeting her today. She’s also one of the organizers for the Perspectives course.
Checked on the kids at Azalea. They sure were glad to have 5 days off! I picked up 20 chairs for the little party that we’re having at my house on Thursday.
Went to my office at FBC Doraville and worked on writing the newsletters. Jesse has been helping me too. Ashley printed up the new calendars. So it’s definitely been a team project.
We had the Whirlwind Missions annual Board meeting this evening. I’m SO blessed to have three terrific men of God on my board! They have all been such a blessing to me.
Dr. Carl Barrington is one of my favorite people on the planet. You may remember praying for him for his Prostate cancer surgery. His latest reports are absolutely terrific! Almost no cancer cells at all! PTL.

He’s the President of our board.
It was also great to see Jon Paul, our treasurer and my brother Tito Ruiz.

These guys are doing a terrific job and I really appreciate them!
Came on home about 8:30pm. Long day.
Checked my email/blogged.
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:34 pm
Stayed up till about 2am last night working on the newsletter. I printed up all the labels then went through the donations given to decide who get’s the laminated calendar that Ashley made. Time consuming for sure.
This morning I went to the Post Office to pick up the stamps for the Christmas mailout. Long line.

Then over to Staples to pick up the large envelopes I needed.
J and I ate lunch then went over to the Bank to set up his new checking account.

Now that he’s 18 he can have his own account and credit card. I think it’s a good idea to learn how to handle money. He’s probably the best in the family at doing that!
We went to the office to check on the mail then over to Azalea Mission to help the kids with their home work. They also helped us with the labels. I really do appreciate that!

Rained on us the whole way home. Sure was glad to see some precip! It’s been mighty dry and this is supposed to be the wettest time of the year.
I need to edit Ashley’s newsletter and I still have to write mine. I’ll take it over to get printed tomorrow morning then start working on writing the letters.
Tim A. Cummins @ 12:15 am
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:53 pm
Man, was it cold last night! My digital thermometer read 27 degrees.
This is what the water in my bird bath looked like! I filled it up with water later.

Jesse was with me today. He’s always fun to have around.
We met with several other managers from Chamblee and Doraville this week. It was a very interesting time when the owner of the Do It Yourself Pest Control company came over.

There’s a bad bed bug problem in Chamblee right now.
We had a meeting with my partner from Dunwoody Baptist Church today, Barb Newman. She’s a no nonsense go getter and is one of my favorites. Also met with Eduardo and Sheila from Venezuela. We talked about possibly serving in Huntington Ridge. It can be kind of a scary place, so I have to be really honest with people about the challenges. Barb brought her friends Barry and Tom who are interested in helping this pastor get involved with our Latino community.
Yesterday, when I was in Lithonia, Toni Branyon gave me some fun stuff that had been donated to her.
I enjoyed giving the balls and cameras out to the kids.

I love taking pictures. I’m not sure if the kids will ever get theirs developed.