Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Jesse! Mission! Rockbridge! 5.8.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:49 pm  


Brain Training!


Fun lunch with Jesse! We ate one of the new vegetarian “Impossible Burgers.” It was excellent.

Prep for my trip to Canada includes studying what the weather is going to be like. Cold.

Went to the church to pick up a couple of my shirts to wear for the conference.

Also checked the mail while I was there.

Went to the mission to help the kids with their homework. And of course to get some loving from the Grandgirls!

Research for my flight on Thursday.

After Azalea, I went to Rockbridge BC to speak to their Youth Group. Fun! I talked to them about the difference between Works and Grace religion and gave them my Four Secrets of Life presentation.

Last minute prep for my trip.

My brain gets super revved up for these trips, especially when I’m getting up earlier than normal, around 7:00 am.

Admin duties now.