Whirlwind Missions

Monday, May 20, 2019

Matt! Girls! Bike! ISS! 5.20.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:52 pm  

Got up super early this morning, around 5:30 am. Got dressed and took Matt Hale to the airport. He caught a flight to Miami. Later today, I believe he was headed to Cuba!

Mr. Google was having issues getting me to Chamblee from the airport. Not sure if it was a bad connection or what. The time it was saying it was going to take me to get to Ashley’s was crazy talk.

Took me through a really interesting tour of Midtown and Downtown for sure! It reminded me of when Kathy and I first came to Atlanta from seminary days and I worked for GPTV’s program, “Lawmakers.” I drove to the Capital building every day for about three months, before moving to Savannah and working for WTOC-TV. Those were the BK or Before Kids days!

Sure wish I would’ve had Mr. Google in those days! I’d spend hours figuring out ways to avoid the main highways staring at a map!

Studied EspaƱol.

Went to FBC Doraville to get the mail. I’ll deposit the checks tomorrow.

Gassed up my car. Glad to see the gas prices going down.

Took the grand girls to Evergreen at Stone Mountain to go swimming. I got pretty burned! I wasn’t really all that sunny, so I was surprised by how I looked this evening!

I had a friend of mine from India invite me to wedding of his son. Should be a fun time!

After the swim, I brought Everly home for a nap. I wanted Penelope to sleep, too, but she wasn’t having it. I crashed for about an hour after my super early wake up this morning.

I got this Viking hat for my buddy Matt’s birthday. I knew he wouldn’t be able to take it in his bag on his travels. I think I can do something funny with it for The Show with the teams during the Summer.

I thought it matched Everly’s hair pretty well!

Rode my bike 14.71 miles. Quoted Bible verses and poetry the whole time. I’m working on a new piece now that I really like titled, High Flight by John Gillespie McGee, Jr. Fantastic poem!
Gorgeous clouds.

It was almost dark by the time I got home. Refilled and cleaned all the birdbaths.

Usually, I can Spot the Station once a month for a period of about three days. This month was no exception. I get a message from my friends at NASA letting me know when the International Space Station will be visible and what direction it’ll be coming from.

Then I use an app on my iPhone called SkyView to track it down exactly.

Here’s what it looks like. Bright star that moves pretty fast and doesn’t blink.

Tonight was my 48th viewing! That sounds like a lot, right?
I memorized a poem by William Wordsworth called “Intimations on Immortality” as well as TS Eliot’s poem, “The Hollow Men” this year. Both have references to your “life’s star.” I set myself to figure out what that star was for me. Basically, it’s the star that’s directly overhead wherever you were born when you were born. It took quite a lot of figuring out, both with geography, math and astronomy. It was still fun to discover. Turns out it’s the main star in the constellation Hercules called Kornephorus.

Tonight I saw it! Pretty nondescript, actually, but there’s a lot of light pollution in my area so kind of hard see.

Admin duties now.