Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm
The family worked on figuring out the details for dropping the grandgirls, Jessi and I off and picking us up from the airport. Looks like Miles is going to be the man! Cheers, mate!



Love my girls! Everly was in the car.

I had a great talk with my buddy Anthony today. We’ve been so busy it’s not easy to keep in contact, but it’s a priority for me.

The grandgirls love their Grandmomo. Me too.

Took them over to the Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary.

They love feeding the rabbits the best. I love the Ring-Tailed Lemurs and Raccoons.

I may have to reevaluate taking them all the way around the park. Just go to the bunnies and lemurs and come back would be better for them. Especially when it’s hot. Everly wore this super fancy dress that was not at all right for what we did. Usually, I have a lot of clothes for them to change into, but they are in my “store” in the back of my car which is in the shop.

Went to Ann’s house to look for her wallet and clean up some more. We never did find that thing. I was surprised. I was sure it was in the couch where she lays.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:27 pm


Love my girls!

Deposited checks!

Took the girls to the Doggy Park.

She made it to the very top of the rope pyramid! First time!

We always have fun.

I like for them to practice their balancing skills.

Took me a while to figure this out.

This sign was weird to me.

Gas near my house has been $4.39. I saw this QT station with $4.29 gas. I decided to go back to it on the way into Chamblee about five hours later. It had dropped another .31 to $3.98! In Chamblee (less than five miles away) it was $4.49.

Went to FBC to get the printed newsletters and stuffed them into the envelopes that I had already labeled.

After I did that job, I let the girls skate in the Fellowship Hall. I hold Everly’s hand. She’s still learning.

Got the letters in the mail. Always a good feeling.

Jesse has been interested in this.

Everly was pooped. I’m always so happy if I can get them to eat and take a nap (especially Everly.)

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:26 pm


Went to the church to turn in my newsletter to be printed. Let the girls enjoy skating in the fellowship hall. They had fun. Everly always wants to be the best and it’s hard on her when she can barely stand up.

I walked her around the room around twenty times.
She helped me vacuum my office.

Had class with the girls. We worked on sight-reading words and reading Green Eggs and Ham. She’s doing really well. Just takes practice.

Everly practicing her name.

Penelope working on her numbers.

Got in touch with my friend Jon Paul about getting together this week. He’s always a blessing to me. He just got remarried recently!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Pre-Test.” One of my best!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:29 pm
Cooler today. Rain on the way.



My mortgage payments were being handled by a third party with PNC. Had to go this morning and make sure it was straightened out.

Called T&G about my car.

They have some parts coming, but looks like they won’t get here to next week. My sister Ann is letting me use her car for now. That’s a blessing. I talked to them in person about Ann’s side mirror. We’re trying to get that squared away as well.

Who would go down this?

Went by the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters.

Watered my plants.

Produced and printed my newsletter and the labels. I’ll take it to the church tomorrow to get printed for distribution. Also labeled all the envelopes.

Enjoying watching Barry.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:51 pm
I’m a big William Blake fan. I liked the idea of him inventing new ways to publish his own art.

I liked this article about children’s art being sent into space.

And this about two of my heroes meeting: Thoreau (my July 12th birthday buddy) and Orwell.



My neighbor ran over one of my Pink Magnolia trees. It killed several limbs. I cut the dying ones off this morning. I made sure all the tree is on my property.

Cleaned and refilled my hummingbird feeders. I only have a couple that come.

I made an appointment to see an advisor at the PNC bank Monday morning. I need to make sure my mortgage payments are being sent correctly. They changed the company that was taking care of that. It was unclear to me what to do.

I went to my sister Ann’s house this evening to clean and organize. It was a hard and frankly nasty job.

Her fridge was a nightmare. I made it look clean again.

Put the shelves back in.

Fixed her ice maker.

Swept and swiffered the floors.

Threw away a giant amount of hideous garbage.

Put her case back on her phone.

Tired. Glad I got that job done. Place still stinks like dogs. Oh, well.
Played some Horizon Forbidden West and watched an episode of Barry.
Comments Off on Tree! Hummingbirds! Ann! 6.26.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:01 pm
Went to the bank to deposit checks. Entered them into our spreadsheet on Google Drive.


Less time because of working with the team.


Interesting clouds. Very high level moisture. We are expecting rain next week.

Much cooler this week.

Recorded a new podcast called “Normalized.”

Put the bag of birdseed into my storage container.

Watered my outside plants.

Cleaned the deck off.

Cleaned my shoes and my hat.

Took a squirrel away.

Put the new tax sticker on Kathy’s truck. Mine is still at the mechanic’s.

Watched a movie called “The Protege.”
Picked up the groceries.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:14 pm


Breakfast with the girls at the park.

We had our Dedication Day today! Here I gave Andrew the “Golden Egg of EGGcellence.”

Passing the baton. “It’s up to ME!”

Signing the Landing Pad!

Went on Safari to Plaza Fiesta! Always a good time.

Struck the set for The Show. Set up the tables like I found them. The team helped me a LOT!

The team worked really hard in what was the hottest week of the year.

Ordered groceries.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called,
“Steel Myself.” So good!

Edited the video of Immanuel BC and uploaded it to YouTube.

Sent the team THANK YOU email. Once that’s done, I consider the team assignment complete. It includes a list of all the photo galleries I shot, the video I edited and promo for the different social media sites I host.

It’s been hard week with my car going dead, gas fumes making me sick and unbelievably hot. Still fun! The grandgirls always make it better! I wish I had more teams coming!
Comments Off on Immanuel BC! D-Day! Plaza Fiesta! Podcast! 6.24.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:54 pm
It’s HOT!



Took the girls to Waffle House this morning.

Enjoyed our briefing on Judaism, Christianity and Islam this morning.

I used my sister Ann’s car this morning. She had a doughnut tire on after a blowout. I took it took Chamblee to have my tire guy put a new one on it for her. It was a real answer to prayer after my fumigation ride yesterday. They still haven’t fixed my car. No telling how long that will take.

Took the team to Al Madina to get a taste of the Middle East.

Then to Global Mall to see the Hindu temple.

So hot.

Love the butterflies!

Such a cool place.

The girls and I walked to the tire place to pick up Ann’s car. Great price for the tire. Included mounting, balancing and disposal of the old one.

Went to the missions to check on the teams, but missed them in their transition. They went back to their hotel to pick up a team member.
Came back home to check on my car which wasn’t done. I’ll be using Ann’s car for the next few days probably.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:52 pm

Another red hot day.

Picked my girls up at their house.

They have fun with their shadows.

Had a good lunch at Pho 24.

Went on Safari to China Town and Asian Square.

To the missions! I didn’t get to visit them much because I helped take medicine to one of the kids that wasn’t feeling well.

I took the bus driver around in my car to show her the routes. My car started to smell like gas again. It gave Penelope and I headaches and I started feeling dizzy. Terrible. Dropped the girls off at home with their Dad and went straight back to my mechanics to look at it again.

I was feeling pretty bad so decided to walk to get more fresh air.

Kathy picked me up and we went back to my car to get the car seats, my computer and other essentials for tomorrow.
Then we went to K’s sister’s house to borrow her car. She currently has a doughnut as one of the front tires. I’ll take it into Chamblee tomorrow morning and get that fixed. That way I’ll have some transportation and so will Kathy. I just have to get up early so I can drive the maximum of 50 mph on that tire.
Sent the measurements of the tire to my tire guy.

Gassed up her car and checked the levels before I drive it into town tomorrow morning.

It’s a nice Nissan.

Got all the girl’s seats in the car and my stuff in. Cleaned it out. Put her documents in the trunk for safety.
I still don’t feel well. Those fumes are really toxic.
Comments Off on Immanuel! Asian Square! China Town! Car! 6.22.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:51 pm

They sent me another bag of birdseed, but haven’t picked up the wrong bag.


Took the grandgirls to the Church Park before the team arrived.

I found this on the ground by the pool near the Church Park.

Picked up my car from T&G! Glad they figured out how to make it work. Took some real engineering on their part.
I drove Kathy’s car all day which doesn’t have AC and the passenger window doesn’t roll down. She normally only drives about ten minutes a day so it’s not too horrible. The girls and I were in it all day long on the hottest day of the summer. It was pretty bad.
Gassed up my car and added some oil.

Filled up my quart from my gallon size oil can.

Ashley got a package in.

A great “dirty money” day. .58 for me with .02 for Everly.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Direct Suggestion.” Powerful!

Our team from Immanuel Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia did a fantastic job at Shallowford Arms, Shallowford Pines, Azalea Place and New Peachtree! I took them on Safari to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Comments Off on Grandgirls! Immanuel BC to BHFM! SA, SP, AZ & NP! Podcast! 6.21.22